Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Magadan, Mongolia, Stans .....West 2019 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/magadan-mongolia-stans-west-2019-a-96003)

Two Moto Kiwis 19 Sep 2018 01:52

Magadan, Mongolia, Stans .....West 2019
Good afternoon Hubbers

Tentatively planning to leave beginning May 2019, start Magadan and head west....not sure if May is too early or not for ROB?, anyone with knowledge here would be welcome to advise please.

Looking for average/competent traveller/riders, I will be on a WR250R and won't be going hard out.

Plan is to do ROB summer road, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria.

Have got about 6 months ish planned, can be shortened or lengthened to suit as are the travel plans which are completely in the air on routes etc.

Cheers all


Worldonourdoorstep 20 Sep 2018 16:39

Hi Andi,

We will be heading into Mongolia from Vladivostok around May time but have plans for Mongolia etc (same as you until Turkey) heading into Mongolia for June, getting to Turkey for October. This is the rough plan at the moment anyway! Maybe our paths will cross?

We will be stopping for a bit of climbing / mountaineering in Kyrgyzstan with some friends coming out to met us there but otherwise we have no firm plans besides our approximate end date (we have a wedding to get to in October)

Jen & Stu

Two Moto Kiwis 23 Sep 2018 23:43

Heya Jen and Stu, sounds good, you guys in the crusier?, you planning to go up to Magadan and do ROB or not that far up?

Two Moto Kiwis 14 Dec 2018 02:58

Bump for interest, still looking for a madman or two to join the shinanigans.

phazael 15 Dec 2018 22:53

magadan etc
Hi Andi

Greetings from a fellow kiwi. Though I live in the winterless north. Yeah right

Have sent you an e mail via your website.



patdeavoll 7 Jan 2019 15:55

Fellow Kiwi
Hi Andi
I am a fellow kiwi and looks like i will be doing the same trip as you but in reverse. Altho i am not sure about the ROB by myself, will depend on how confident i am feeling towards the end of the trip.
Was wondering if you would be interested (if we happen to be in Tajikistan at the same time) in popping into Afghanistan for a few days and riding up the Wakhan Corridor? I have been there before a couple of times on mountaineering expeditions and it is fabulous. Great scenery and great people. It would mean getting an Afghan visa in Khorog which only takes a day or two.
As things stand at the moment i plan to be in Tajik early to mid July. To ride up the Wakhan and back (its a there and back trip) would take about 5 days.
Anyway...let me know if you are interested. I will be on a GS650 - not as nimble as your bike, although I ride a WR here in New Zealand.
I hope your planning is going ok. What date do you leave?
Cheers Pat

Two Moto Kiwis 13 Jan 2019 08:26

Heya Pat

Yes been following your thread on NZAR, I have around 9500 km from Magadan to TJ and planning to start from Magadan end June beginning July which means about 680km per day....prolly not gunna do that 8-), if time can be altered slightly we could make it work as I would be keen as.

I am even considering doing the trip the way you are now as I seem to be the only one going against the traffic as I wanted to leave the WR in Bulgaria however it depends if I can still con someone into doing it East to West.

(Copy from FB page)

Evening all, first off happy new year, well I had a riding buddy but due to a health issue has had to pull out of this, I am now looking for riding companion(s) for the trip, specifically for the ROB old summer road etc where it is more difficult but if for the rest of the trip too. Ping me back here, dates and time can be adjusted a bit as the concrete hasn't set!, cheers Andi

patdeavoll 13 Jan 2019 20:00

Whakan Corridor
Hi Andi
Good to hear from you, I hope your planning is going well.
I think it would be hard to change my dates at this stage as i have booked bike on boat to the Uk and i will be meeting it on May 16th, then across to France and onwards.
I plan on being in southern Tajik about July 4th or round about but this looks like it will be too early for you?
Let me know if your plans change at all, I really want to ride up the Wakhan as i have such good memories of it,
Stay in touch
cheers Pat

Two Moto Kiwis 23 Jan 2019 20:55

Bumpity Bump
Good morning all

Who wants to quit their job from that shitty boss and come and play?

Great, details above and sign on the dotted line, still looking for a teamy for ROB and Mongolia way if poss for saftey and sharing of experiences.

...don't wait too long to quit your job :D

kroml8r 29 Jan 2019 11:05

Hey Andi, I definitely wanted to do the ROB and OSM, but have discounted it now due to the extra time required (and the fact that I'll probably be on my own..OSM). Current plan is to start from Vlad, but I'm keen to reconsider if there's someone else doing the ROB/OSM. Bike is tentatively booked on a container from Sydney with BikesAbroad. I'm planning on doing the eastern BAM regardless of company, so even if I don't start form Magadan, it's possible that we could do the BAM together??


Two Moto Kiwis 29 Jan 2019 21:35

Heya Steve

Sounds good, for me I will be hitting ROB from Magadan beginning of July, will be in Japan for approx 6 weeks prior.

Yes it would be cool to connect and if the stars align it would be beneficial for us both.

Two Moto Kiwis 3 Mar 2019 23:12

Gettin down to the finer end of things to send the bike etc.

Still got room for some riding buddies for the harder parts if you are keen, my trip is still adjustable unitl end June beginning of July when I get to Russia then I have to make a call.

Chers Andi

Two Moto Kiwis 20 Mar 2019 21:48

Trip prep done, starting Magadan beginning or July, still looking for riding buddies to head west if you are keen as above.

Walty79 25 Mar 2019 17:57

Hi there,

Just a quickie...is it now July you are leaving? (not May?)

I'm leaving UK in April and riding to Magadan (hopefully). May then double back and go to Mongolia too. My Russian visa expires June 30th so have to be out by then.

Many thanks


Two Moto Kiwis 25 Mar 2019 20:51

Heya Mark

My bike will be leaving soon then I fly to Magadan around 25th June, looking to start from Magadan riding the ROB heading west say 1st July +/-

We are a long way away down here hence shipping the bike ahead of me.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 14:22.
