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-   -   Mexico going south (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/mexico-going-south-43771)

Pearcy 28 Jun 2009 22:53

Mexico going south
I am in Gueymas on the coast just south of the Mexico border heading first to Acapulco and then on south to Guatemala on a Suzuki DRZ400. Is anyone heading in my direction?

Pearcy 30 Jun 2009 02:31

Zentrpa, I couldn't post a PM not enough posts error message, but I will be looking to be leaving Acapulco on the 7th or 8th, I'm a bit a head of you but if you close up I can hang about a day or two. Keep posted.

zentropa 1 Jul 2009 04:45

Oh yeah, I hate that.
Sending you my phone #, maybe we can hook up later.

Graham uk 2 Jul 2009 22:02

hey mate, i'm currently in mexico city and will be heading out in a few days towards anitgua. On a dr650 so pace not critical.

I have good internet access at the moment so get a message back to me and be good to hook up

MyOwnWay 3 Jul 2009 01:16

Hey guys, It looks like we are going to cross our ways somewhere in Central America. At the moment I´m in Chetumal getting ready for tomorrow, getting across the border onto Belize then Guatemala.

charapashanperu 17 Jul 2009 13:10

Graham squared,

How did you like San Cristobal/Comitan area? Lived and worked there for 3 years... LOVELY !!

Am in Peru now (and for most of my life). Can I answer any questions?


FDranCol 19 Jul 2009 19:39

Ill keep an eye on this tread...:thumbup1:

Graham uk 20 Jul 2009 01:25

met up with pearcy a few days ago, we're currently in nicaragua, san juan del sur to be precise about 50 miles north of the costa rica border.

Will be heading south in a few days, with an aim of getting the boat around to colombia the first week in august.

I know of a few people a bit ahead and behind so where is everybody?? Maybe a ride and beer session is in order!!:thumbup1:

zentropa 20 Jul 2009 05:37

I busted my shock in copper canyon and just bounced my way to Mazatlan where I'll be for a few days so yeah, I'm way behind you now.
I will not get on the boat to Columbia until Sept... most likely.

Pearcy 11 Aug 2009 17:26

Colombia / Ecuador going south
I have left Central America and will shortly be in Ecuador always interested in hearing from fellow travellers still.

drkiwi 12 Aug 2009 06:22

im chillin in mexico city at the moment, gotta head over to the caribbean in next few weeks then probably south....anyone comin by up for a beer or a ride? im on a dr650 aswell

drkiwi 14 Aug 2009 07:53

hey zentrop

got your message but cant reply cause havent enough posts as yet, might make it down there later in the month gotta do a course aswell my spanish is pretty non existant but seems pretty easy here in mexico..

will let you know when i make it, im freestyling it tho and have got a bit sidetracked by girls and tequila here, also gotta go over to tulum to pick up a tyre.

dont think i´ll head to much further as ive got to go back to LA for a job starting nov 1st and im planning a RTW so might be back thru central



zentropa 18 Aug 2009 02:15

Hey guys, I'm in Guatemala doing Spanish and will be here till the end of the month (might stay an extra week though). Still have not sorted a way to Columbia, need to work on that soon.

M&Ms 19 Aug 2009 01:02

we are just in Veracruz, Mexico on our way south (riding 2 DR 650). Thinking about a language course as well. Where exactly are you in Guatemala - Antigua ?

How was border crossing from Mex / where did you cross ?


sorry, cannot do PM - my first post....

zentropa 19 Aug 2009 10:24


Originally Posted by M&Ms (Post 253919)
we are just in Veracruz, Mexico on our way south (riding 2 DR 650). Thinking about a language course as well. Where exactly are you in Guatemala - Antigua ?

How was border crossing from Mex / where did you cross ?


sorry, cannot do PM - my first post....

I'm in Xela/Quetzaltenango (the city has two names).
I like the school and the town quite well.
I crossed at La Mesilla. I arrived on a Sunday and it took about 30 min.

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