Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Mexico to Brazil - April 04 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/mexico-to-brazil-april-04-a-1031)

marc1 23 Mar 2004 13:39

Mexico to Brazil - April 04
I am planning a trip with a friend to ride from Mexico to Brazil. We are looking to depart from Southern CA in April.

We welcome any company. If your plans in-part or wholly overlap, let us know. Either reply to this post or e-mail me.

We are still working out the route and pretty much every other detail, so we also welcome any suggestions other folks may have.

[This message has been edited by marc1 (edited 22 June 2004).]

marc1 10 Jun 2004 06:04

My buddy got injured just before we were going to leave and my trip got postponed.

I am still interested in going. If anyone is planning a similar route, I would appreciate hearing from you. Would prefer to ride with others than do a solo trip.

navegante 3 Jul 2004 01:55

Marc: I am planning this trip for mid 2005, by car, not on a bike. I will depart from Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico and go all the way down to Ushuaia. Anyhow it would be nice to travel with along the way with you or with a group. Cars must be embarked at Panama to Venezuela or Colombia, so we could share the cost of the container.
I have gathered some info, kms, stopovers, etc that I can share with you. Tell me what do you need.
I'm a native from Chile, leaving in México many years. Native language spanish with notions of english. Know our people.

navegante 3 Jul 2004 01:58

Marc: forgot to tell you: take a look at my web page:

marc1 17 Oct 2008 11:00

it took a few years, but this trip is back on. same route, different buddy.

We are departing Southern California today and plan to arrive Brazil in early December. Would love to hear from anyone en route.

1st beer on me.

GreenBean 17 Oct 2008 11:27

Four Years of Waiting
This 4 year wait must have killed you. I'm glad you are making the trip. Enjoy!

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