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Geert van den Elsen 24 Jan 2012 20:38

Mooie motortrip door Afrika
Beste reisgenoten,
Rond juli of augustus 2012 zou ik het liefste een mooie reis gaan maken. Ik wil vanuit Nederland, via diverse mooie Europese steden, afzakken naar zuid Spanje en daar de overtocht naar Marokko maken. Via de west, zuid en oostkust door Afrika heen reizen. Alles staat eigenlijk nog open voor suggesties, routes, tijd enz. Lijkt het je leuk om samen te reizen, laat het mij dan aub weten.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Geert van den Elsen

Web translator offers this ( sorry I can't speak Dutch!)
Best trip enjoyments, Around July or August 2012 I would go make the dearest a beautiful trip. I want from the Netherlands, via various beautiful European cities, slip down to south Spain and there the crossing to Morocco make. Via the westerly, south and east coast through Africa away travel. Everything stands actual yet open for suggestions, routes, time etc.

With kind greeting,

Robertsmits 24 Jan 2012 23:13

Double Dutch
Geert, I think you have more chance of a reply if you communicate in English...or do you just want Dutch speaking people to react? (fair enough).
Just my advice.. Rob.

Geert van den Elsen 26 Jan 2012 14:12

Hello Rob,

Thanx for the advice..! I'll try to translate it

Geert van den Elsen 26 Jan 2012 19:58

Removing message
Hello Rob,

I'll remove my message and post a new one.
So dont be angry if i delete your comments.

Thanks again for your help.


catch22 27 Jan 2012 14:23

Hi Geert,

If you want to leave for africa in the summer, there's a lot of
preparation to be done!
Myself, i am leaving august15, all the way down to Cape Town, via
the eastroute.
I think i can give you good tips and advice if you choose travelling
via Morocco, just send me a mail.

greets-----------geert(yeah,same first name)

Robertsmits 27 Jan 2012 17:29

Good Luck on your travels, Geert!
Groetjes uit Mokum, Rob.

Geert van den Elsen 1 Feb 2012 18:35

Hello Rob,

So living in Amsterdam as well...? Did you have already make some beautiful trips trough Afrika? Ore did you make a trip elswer in the world? If you did, will you tell me all about it?


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