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Morocco to South Africa in december '09
Hi guys!
I'm new in the HU universe! I'm planning a trip from Morocco to South Africa in December. I'll be travelling in a BMW F800GS along with a 4x4. The planned route is Morocco-Mauritania-Mali-Burkina-Niger-(Nigeria or Tchad)-Cameroun-Congo Brazzaville-Congo Kinshasa-Angola-Namibia and finally South Africa. Has anyone gone in this direction in the past 6 months? Is anyone going this way in december? It is going to be our first trip, any advice will be highly appreciated! Hope to read you soon! |
F650 Dakar..
keep an eye on Bike-Dreams, there are travelling the morroco-mauritania section in the next few weeks with a bunch of Cyclists. I did guinea-bissau,guinea-connakry,senegal,gambia,mauritania, morroco earlier this year and their was no problems at all. My suggestion is to cross using Sueta if this is your first time down to morroco, it's a little further but a lot less stressfull as you do the ferry in spanish waters, then go through a simple land boarder that is not too busy. Tangiers is fast, busy, lots of hastle and lots of people for your first time. Carnet du passage is not needed for Morroco,Mauritania,Senegal. I used mine in other places because it keeps things simple. don't forget to get your CEDERO ECOWAS insurance as soon as you leave Mauritania, six months cost me 20,000 CFA , but it does not cover the country you are in so you have to buy local country insurance as well, which you should pick up for less than 15,000 CFA for a month or two. Nice colour copies or your origianl ID documents and drivers licence. International drivers license.. well I've got one now after a senegalese policeman threatend to impound the car i was driving. And that's about it, Just go. have fun. Don't play to much in the sand in the western desert, signs are thier for a reason don't ignore them. (just been working in landmine clearance down in Guinea-Bissau and saw the results of ignoring old battered signs) Andy |
Check out singapore2poland.com, they have just gone the other way and are in Casablanca (maybe still):thumbup1:
Thank for your input!
Aken, I'm actually living in morocco so the departure point is Casablanca. No problem in the Spain-Morocco border. I took the ferry from Algeciras to Tanger. Nice and fast boat. 98euros me + the bike. In the customs I just hired an "ecrivain" a guy that goes directly to the officer and get all the papers done, I paid him 18euros (too much? I don't know, but it was quite easy.) Other traveller gave me the advice to keep preciously the two little papers they give you (white and green) to show them when you leave. I made color copies and put them in a safe place... Concerning the CEDERO ECOWAS can you please explain what countries are covered? Is it a personal insurance or for the bike? How were the roads between Senegal and Mauritania? What is the average speed I should consider in that road? I’ve travelled from Casablanca to Dakhla (morocco) before and I know roads are pretty good. Any recommendations concerning hotels or campings? Lots of questions I know but this is how it goes!!! Thank you for your help! What about going from Mauritania to Mali? Is it doable? Or is it better to go down to Senegal and then Mali? Anyone pLeAsE… Any info concerning visas or routes from Mali to Cameroun? Martman, I will check the link, txs. Thanks again for your help! |
Hi there,
my name is Nic, I live in England and I am planning to go down to Dakar by motorbike starting very early in January. I would like to reach Dakar before Christmas.I am going to alone probably and I would be happy to joint other bikers along the way. What are your plans? Any chance to ride together at some stage? Cheers Nic |
Hi Nic,
I believe that what you wanted to say is that your are leaving very early in December, to get to Dakar in Christmas no? Anyway, we are planning to leave Casablanca around the 15th of December and as we are travelling on “fast track” if you come with us you should get to Dakar before Christmas… It would be nice to ride together, contact me by email if you wish. See you! |
Your input was precious! We met today with Iza and Kamil, very nice people and very friendly! It's worth taking a look into their webpage. They have just arrange to send their bike to Brazil, they are extending their trip!!! incredible! cheers |
the guys are cyclıng to dakar on racıng bıkes (very thın tyres) ıf you go on the dırt road to senegal and mıss the rosum boarder you mıght have to go a lıttle slower wıth road tyres but apart from that ıts all clean tarmac ıf you go ın a straıght lıne. dakar to tambaconda ıs another matter, ı advıse doıng anythıng you can to avoıd thıs streatch of road, took me 10 hours and one huge puncture on a bıke and 2 days wıth a wag and drag traıller 30 tonnes, the road ıs cut up tarmac ın long sectıons just nasty boarıng road, go down through gambıa and then go east under the gambıa as most of ıt ıs nıce new tarmac smooooth. ıf you lıke a bıt of dırt go further south ınto guınea bıssau and then go through connakary they have corners !!! nıce roads and really nıce people especıally after dakar & gambıa stress. |
My brother and I are planning a circa 8 week trip down to Dakar starting first week in December from UK so be good to link up (with you all) if the timeframe works. Likely leave UK end first week in December, ferry to Santander, down through Spain and over into Morocco. Get in touch if this works for you (david@caredevelopments.co.uk) Cheers Dave |
hey jacots, see on the road, we're doing the same route but south to north, leaving in January 2010. red, rusty land cruiser;-)
good luck |
Hi Jacots, all,
I am heading that way too so maybe we can sort something out. Ditto on the bike...good choice! :thumbup1: Story so far; resigned from work, bought a bike - it arrives on Thursday - went online and bought some kit and now just waiting for the postal-strike-delayed-docs before I head off. Planning to be down in Morocco by early December so can maybe catch up then and see how it goes from there? My email is hans_helbig@hotmail.com so drop me a line and we can confer. Particularly need to think about docs etc, as I was intending to be quite chilled and winging it in terms of Visa's etc and get them locally simply to get on the road. The important stuff I have. Give me a shout, Hans |
Hello Hans,
So, did you receive your bike? Listen, about the trip there have been some changes... I had an accident three weeks ago in my bike... result: broken collar bone and three ribs... so the doctors don't recommend doing the trip in a bike. We are still going, but I'll be in a 4x4... and the date of departure has been shifted! We plan to leave on the second or third week of january... Lot of changes! It's really a shame it could have been cool to have some "motorcycled" company along the way... But that is how it goes... I happy to still able to do the trip.. even if it is a 4x4!! Keep me updated on your plans, we can maybe see each other in Morroco. See you. |
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