Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Nepal to Laos through China (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/nepal-to-laos-through-china-41938)

JynnanTonnyx 4 Apr 2009 07:06

Nepal to Laos through China

We have a Mercedes van and we're looking for other vehicles to travel through China with us, from Nepal to Laos.

We are in contact with an agency who gave us a quote for three vehicles for 1880 euro (USD2427, GBP1640) per vehicle. The agency pays the customs bond.

The two other vehicles in our group decided that this was too much and are going to go back to Europe so we are looking for people to replace them!

The application process takes three months. The state news agency confirms Tibet will reopen on the 5th April. Our agency checked with a government contact in Beijing who confirmed that Tibet "should be OK" in three months.

We are in Nepal right now and would like to get the application started as soon as possible. We can arrange all the paperwork so you don't need to be in Nepal right now, just in three months when the application is completed - although obviously it would be nice to meet face to face before any funds are transferred!

It should be a great adventure. Please send me an email if you are interested.



JynnanTonnyx 22 Apr 2009 08:36


Just an update - we have found another vehicle, a Landrover, to come with us so we are looking for just one more vehicle.

The departure date will be approximately three months' time.



garrye 26 Jul 2010 05:53

Motorcycle Laos to Nepal
Plan to travel overland from Sydney to London during 2011.
Looking for motorcyclists to share the cost of the the China part which involves hiring a local " guide " who must accompany foreigners
Garrye :scooter:

regie 23 Dec 2010 05:32


i'm interested in the motocycle bit. i currently have a bike in cambodia (been working there last 3.5 years). Want to ride laos, china, pakistan, iran, maybe turkey, other stans, china, mongolia, back to laos/cambodia.


Ronvk62 23 Dec 2010 12:27

Just for your information. Sjaak Verwaayen (he has a website, just gogle his name), the Dutch guy who travelled across the globe on a Yamaha R1, crossed also China but did it without a guide. He put his bike on the train for the border of China, got off the train in China, travelled around and got on the train again and left the country. His experience is that the people and authorities in the small villages in China don't know the rules about foreigners travelling around.
Maybe it's a risk may'be it isn't, fact is that he did it like this and it saved him a lot of money.

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