Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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planethopper 9 Aug 2010 20:30

It seems like the radical Muslims have ruined it for all of us. They seem to have less problems crossing borders then us non Muslims. How far through an airport or border do you think I would get with my face covered? I remember 911 and seeing the security personal at Toronto airport cheering when the towers fell, made me sick!!! they still work there!!! I'm sure I don't have to tell you what the security personal are at Toronto airport. I should stop venting here before I say something I shouldn't. Just venting a little I guess.

Scrabblebiker 9 Aug 2010 20:44

Does this forum have a moderator? Could we please all keep on topic and not vent our own pet peeves?

The original poster asked about his personal border crossing problems given his past mistakes. Why don't we try to help him instead of getting into misguided rants? Or take it to the HU Bar.



Mickey D 9 Aug 2010 21:45

Personal insults removed. PLEASE don't do it!

*Touring Ted* 9 Aug 2010 23:43

This thread has gone off topic. I deleted a post that I posted which was just a bit of a rant, although I thought relevant.

It IS all relevant to the question but probably not the time and place to rant about it !!

And come on guys.. No personal attacks ! We don't need that here...

Ride safe !!

DawnBreaker 9 Aug 2010 23:45

Friends: How strange it is when people pride themselves on education and being properly informed but at the same time support and almost rejoice the barbarism of 9/11. Could it be that the well informed more intelligent people have also been swallowing propaganda? Sorry, if I hold to my ignorant, uninformed ideology that religious fanatics rammed airliners into the World Trade Center. It wasn't just slightly misunderstood, good old boys.

planethopper 10 Aug 2010 00:21

This is the beauty of large member forums, topics evolve with different opinions and take on a life of their own. If it gets to far off topic then you can just start another one. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of venting, sometimes forums are the only place you will hear some real thoughts and opinions. Society is way to sensitive these days, especially when it comes to ethnic backgrounds and religion. My mentioning the radical Muslims was still on topic because 911 gave the government the power to take more rights away from people in the name of national security. Unfortunately the rights are being taken from the wrong people.

chris 10 Aug 2010 00:29

OK, here's the deal: From here on, please keep it on topic (can't get into uSA from Canada, poss problems with border guard, minor misdemenors many years ago, visa requirements, maybe try another border point etc etc). Otherwise all the anti Muslim/American rhetoric will be deleted and the thread locked.

If you wish to, without insulting people, discuss/rant about geopolitics please go to the Bar.

Many thanks

DLbiten 10 Aug 2010 03:35

Let me see if I can get back on the rails. You can try a paper wall gust as many forms as you can get hand them one by one to the border agent. There seems to a ton of visa waivers and cards you can get to help you get across. You may need a "Waiver of Ineligibility" That lets people in with a record, the time on this vary long 22 weeks or so. Criminal Ineligibility • U.S. Consular Services in Canada
Then there is the "Nexus card" Get Nexus @Nexus: How to get Nexus Pass for Border Crossing. upgraded drivers licence the Trusted traveler U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Travel
Still think your best bet is a BC/Washington crossing.

But you are not alone here is a story from the US side. Going to Canada? Check your past / Visitors with minor criminal records turned back at border

Scrabblebiker 10 Aug 2010 03:53

What's odd about this one is that Planethopper says he got a pardon for his 25 year old charge. It should not show up on a criminal record check anymore. But then who knows what databases the border authorities are using? It might be worthwhile to get a copy of your own criminal record to see if it's truly been removed ...in the off chance that you haven't already done so.


Chris of Japan 10 Aug 2010 05:24

The United States does not recognize Canadian Pardons. If they are made aware of your record even after receiving a Pardon you could still be refused entry, be deported, detained or have property seized.

From what I understand, Canadian Pardons do not eliminate the criminal record, just make it unavailable except to some Canadian law enforcement agencies (and the USA).

Planethopper will most likely be issued permission to enter... after forking out $500, doing the paperwork, and waiting months...

So, everyone stay on the straight and narrow, and fight any false charges against you even if it would be cheaper and quicker to just pay the fine and be done with it.


Originally Posted by Scrabblebiker (Post 300566)
What's odd about this one is that Planethopper says he got a pardon for his 25 year old charge. It should not show up on a criminal record check anymore. But then who knows what databases the border authorities are using? It might be worthwhile to get a copy of your own criminal record to see if it's truly been removed ...in the off chance that you haven't already done so.


markharf 10 Aug 2010 06:43

I crossed into Canada this evening on my US passport, just as I have maybe a couple of hundred times before....but to my surprise I was flagged for further interrogation by the people upstairs. This has not happened to me since I cut my hair and started driving minivans and in other ways acting respectable. Eventually they stamped me through following ten minutes of questions plus another ten of mysterious background checks.

Leaving, I realized the difference between this and all my many other crossings (I've got family all over Canada, plus there's skiing there, riding there, climbing there, kayaking there, and much much more) is that for the past several decades I've always declared myself employed, whether this happened to be true or not. This time, riding a bike covered with stickers from all over the world, I told the truth; I've been traveling, but am heading home in three weeks.

The takeaway lesson: always have a job you're returning home to, whether fictional or not. Usually they just wave me through; this time, the complete check. If I had a criminal record, they'd have found it and denied me entry. If I'd been denied entry in the past for any reason, they'd have found it. If I'd been flagged for any reason, ever, anywhere I'm sure they'd have found it. I presume this is what happened to the OP---no job, therefore the complete check, therefore denied entry.

Hope this helps someone, somewhere down the road.....and I hope Canadian immigration doesn't read the HUBB.


(safe and sound in southern Alberta)

planethopper 10 Aug 2010 14:40

I brought my pardon with me to the border and yes they do not care about a Canadian pardon, but they did keep it and when I asked for it back they refused. I even called the border a couple of days later from home and asked for it back and the guy on the phone said "I don't see it on the counter" "call your government and get another one" Now I have to jump through a ton hoops here to get a replacement.

alphajory 21 Aug 2010 00:19

I never give the up the original documents unless i absolutely have to. Photo copies yes notarized sometimes but the originals never. They were being absolutely prickish by not returning you the original. I would however asked the person identification so you could go to the next level to get your document back.

SprintST 21 Aug 2010 18:23

OP, I'd be very careful about following the advice of some posters suggesting just going to another U.S. Entry point. The CBP folks have more than likely made a note on your file that your were refused entry, which is SOP, for whatever reason. Other officers will know the answer BEFORE they pose the question "Have you ever been refused entry in the U.S.?". You start lying at that point and just see how fast your day goes down the toilet.

I've also encountered problems with a fellow traveler being refused entry at the St. Stephen/Calais crossing. Nothing bad, she just didn't have the required paperwork for an impromptu crossing. Took the long way round.

I hope you get this issue straightened out some day. There's plenty to see in the U.S., as there is in Canada.

olyflyer 21 Feb 2011 15:44

I just got turned back from the border at Brownsville with no paperwork, proof of funds and had bugger all cash on me and stupidly let slip I don't have a job

I now have a letter confirming that I will have employment on my return to Australia and bank statements and other paperwork that should help me over the border tomorrow

I'll let you all know how it goes

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