Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   North - Central - South America: Start June 02 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/north-central-south-america-start-645)

sam.on.tour 4 Dec 2001 22:06

North - Central - South America: Start June 02

After having done the Europe - Asia - OZ thing I'd like to do the americas. Starting somewhere at the eastcoast, heading west and then south into mex .. try to avoid the Darian gap and Columbia by shipping from Panama to Ecuador. This is the only fixed at the moment. My way is to do the thing cheap and slowly .. time is money and saving money gives you time :-)

I like to travel in company ..

about my last trip you can read on http://www.motorbike-web.de/hosting/...ur/default.htm
Not jet finished, only german, no pics ... well ... I'll have to do that soon.

so long


The truth is somewhere out there .. on the road ..

hughc 5 Dec 2001 02:32

Hi Sam,

I plan on heading down to Central and South America next October. If you're gonna be in
the Washington D.C. area give me a shout and
I'll try to show you around.


Superfreak 17 Jan 2002 13:56

If you go by Toronto in June give me a shout. [anywhere near 400kms, Nfalls, Detroit, etc].
Check my Chicago-Texas-Mexico rally announcement.


lusole2 19 Jan 2002 00:34

Hi Sam,
Leaving Chicago Sept.02 for Santiago, Chile, give a shout if your in the area.

sam.on.tour 22 Mar 2002 16:16

**** UPDATE ****

Me and my sister we will arrive in Montreal on the 22nd of May. The same day the bikes should arrive by ship. Our plan is to cross north america east to west in two months. My sister will go back home from LA. Me, I'll be heading south later.

I am still looking for part time companions on my trip through the americas.

Anybody out there from Montreal to give me hints on
- Montreal habour procedures (uncrating the bike there - possible or not)
- Customs
- CHEAP accomodation (ehhhm .. did I spell that correctly???)

Thanks to all


sam.on.tour 13 Jun 2002 04:01

Hi All,

We are on the road (Jackson, WY at the moment) and are heading south into Colorado and then Utah (Canyonlands ...). Around the 20th of July I'll be in LA. Please contact us.

Save riding


JimmyGO!! 13 Jul 2002 07:40

Hi Sam, I'm currently in Mazatalan, Mexico after a grueling hot week crossing the Sonorense Desert. I've got to be in Cancun on July 27, where me and some friends are going to fly to Cuba for a few weeks. By the sounds of it you should be well into Mexico by then and perhaps we would be in the same neck of the woods. When I return from Cuba I'll moving with the bike into Guatamala and the rest of Central and S.America. Email me if you might be interested.


sam.on.tour 17 Jul 2002 02:19

Hi all,

At the moment I am in the L.A. and San Diego area and will go into MEX at the and of July. Plan: Baja - Barranco del Cobre - Central Mexico - Westcoast - Chiapas ...
Anybody around doing the same at the same time? I've already seen that many people will start in September but now ????



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