Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Nova Scotia, East Coast of Canada? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/nova-scotia-east-coast-canada-587)

STEVE B 1 Feb 2002 07:06

Nova Scotia, East Coast of Canada?
Anyone planning a trip to east coast of Canada in mid summer 2002? Please reply with any advice on routes,places to see or stay. and costs. We are looking at probably mid- July, leaving from Minnesota. Let us know and maybe we can meet up on the road!

harvey 1 Feb 2002 16:22

We are currently in India, but plan to be in North America from around mid-June, probably starting on the US east coast, but not sure. We're don't have a route plan yet, but we're aiming for the Land O'Loon international BMW rally in Trenton, Ontario 11-14 July. We may then head down to another rally in Colorado starting around 18 July.
Sorry I can't be more precise, but if you let us know your plans we'll try to meet up somewhere on the road.
Harvey (and Lisa) www.chasingthesun.org

PanEuropean 2 Feb 2002 04:16

I live in Toronto, Canada. If you need any assistance with route planning for the Trenton rally (only about 140 km's away from here) feel free to contact me, either on the board or by email.

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