Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Panama - Mexico in June, mate for the road (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/panama-mexico-june-mate-road-76253)

alexegg 13 May 2014 18:53

Panama - Mexico in June, mate for the road
Hep guys !

I'm a 23 years old belgian riding a Honda NX 650 of 88' from Chile to Canada (for now . For now I'm in Colombia and I plan to pass in Panama at the end of the month (May) or the latest at the beginning of June.

I travel alone (you can check to have an idea at Back Home From Home) and will have to cross the central America quite fast actually (fast compared what I'm used to : 80 miles a day of average - I like enjoying the places I pass by). As I meet some friends in California in July, I will have to choose what countries I want to discover and my choice is for Colombia (right now) and Mexico.

So I will cross the central zone (Panama to Mexico) quite fast. I normally travel alone and like it, but for this kind of faster driving, I guess something like 400 miles/day, I wouldn't mind to have some company, related to these famous security issues in central America. I know it's always exaggerated but as I got some problems in Peru, I do care a bit more for this month.

If someone has part of the road similar, tell me !
I'm quite open, don't mind staying in a place for a few days if it's worth. Just in case, I also do rock climbing and have the material (rope and expresses). I like playing music (have my guitar and harmonica). I'm not that much into too touristic places, I prefer random tourism, just seeing where the road leads me.

The principal idea would be to do Panama - Mexico in max ten days, maybe less, maybe more, depending.

Hoping someone's interested !
Cheers !

EDIT : I pasted the same post that I wrote in the regional forum of central America. I didn't see this one before and it seems more appropriate !

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