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rider228 8 Sep 2007 00:16

partners for a turkey- stans-russia-mongolia trip
Hi all
I am 36 years old from Israel and I have been riding motorbikes sins I was 16.
Israel is a small country and because of political situations we can not cross in to most of our neighboring countries-the exception is the Sinai desert peninsula in Egypt witch I cross at least 1 a year for a good motorbike travel.
Anyway on may 2005(after a long time planning and gathering information-including on this wonderful site) I boarded my self and my 1993 Yamaha xt 600 e-on a cargo ship in Haifa(north of Israel),and 2.5 days later I arrived in Greece-witch was the start of a 4 month 25000 kilometers trip around east and west Europe.
From Greece to Macedonia - Albania -back to Macedonia - Bulgaria – Romania – Serbia -Montenegro(then still part of Serbia)- Croatia - Slovenia – Hungary – Slovakia – Poland - check republic – Austria – Switzerland –France –Italy (all the way to cicely) and then a ferry from bari to Greece - and again a cargo ship back home to Israel
All and all probably the best 4 month of my life (including the bad days I had along the way…).

When planning the trip before leaving-I assumed it would be an ounce in a life time trip-boy was I wrong. Ever since I returned I can't stop thinking of the next trip, I guess I got hooked…..lol

Any way I finally decided on my next rout and destination witch will probably be-taking a ship to Greece again and from their to head east-turkey-georgia-azerbijan-turkmenistan-uzbekistan-tajikistan-kirgistan-kazakstan-russia-mongolia-back to Russia (Siberia)-and then back towards Scandinavia. All in about 4 -5 months.
I am only in the early planning stage-so the rout may change for various reasons.
I don’t know what is the current situation in china is, but if I could enter with my motorcycle, then whole new possibilities will open up…
Any way I plan on leaving on may 2008(possibly a year later-because of certain obligations-I hope not)
I now ride an 1995 Yamaha xtz750, and plan a budget trip-camping-cooking my self…
Although I did my last trip solo I would like to find a partner or partners for my next trip.
So if any 1 dreams of doing a trip like that then send a message and we will talk.
also- if any 1 has information about traveling in the contries i plan to go-any info will be very helpful.
By for now
And most important-KEEP RIDING.

omhughes 8 Sep 2007 13:12

Yo!,,,, what about the pan america?
Hi there,
In july I'm doing the pan american... start in toronto to nova scotia..from there to anchorage in alaska..to prudhoe bay..from there the whole way down to ushauia in argentina and then back to buenos Aires to fly home... 6 months of riding bliss!
why dont you come along!:funmeterno:

michaeltharme 9 Sep 2007 22:03

Check out this thread . . .


we're starting around the same time.


rider228 10 Sep 2007 00:45

-it looks like there are going to be motorcycle traffic jams in north Asia next summer…

Peter Duncan 4 Oct 2007 01:17

Hello Rider 228

My neighbour and I will be doing substantialy the same trip over 6 weeks during August & September 2008. Unfortunately, for work reasons, we are locked into these dates. If you have some flexibility in your schedule please let us know. We are looking for two additional riders.

We are both middle aged Canadians (I'm 52) with some riding expirience. Where practical we would like to take the route less travelled, doing about 300 km a day.

Peter D

Peter Duncan 9 Oct 2007 00:44

Hello Rider 228

Got your reply, but I can't post a private reply.
We are riding smaller bikes (KLR 650 & Honda 450)
Hard luggage, but light.
Air freight the bikes to Turkey. Sea freight back.
Start 10th August. Finish on 20th September.
Except for Mongolia, the route should not be a problem. Quite a few bikes go through. It is just a question of how far off the beaten path we want to go.

motomaidel 2 Dec 2007 01:10

Bike rental in Israel
Hello Rider 228.

Your trip sounds amazing! I'd like to hear more. I'm planning a trip to Israel and Greece April/May 2008. I ride a BMW Dakar here in the US and am looking to rent a bike in Israel or exchange for use of one of my bikes in the US. Any contacts there would be helpful? Shirah

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