Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Riding to Prudhoe bay alaska from winnipeg....anyone heading my way (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/riding-prudhoe-bay-alaska-winnipeg-36759)

omhughes 27 Jul 2008 06:03

Riding to Prudhoe bay alaska from winnipeg....anyone heading my way
hi there... on the road as part of pan american trip...halfway through canada on the way to prudhoe bay via anchorage... anyone on the road.?
ps.. geoff...if your out there...lost my mobile phone so havent been able to contact ya....

stay safe on the road

omhughes 27 Jul 2008 22:07

ok now in moose jaw ... :-)
will be in calgary tomorrow..... anyone out there?

bikercharlie 28 Jul 2008 02:57

Upper end

What is your time frame for arrival in Anc? I would love to travel with you, however the earliest I could get to Anc would be on Fri afternoon. How long to plan to get there, stay, and return. I'm 4 hrs. south of Anc. in Homer, AK.
I'll be in Anc. on thurs to pick up friend at airport and return to Homer. Maybe we could hook up for lunch or something. Let me know your time frame. My door would be open for you on your trip south if you need a place for aday or two.


Arkayik 28 Jul 2008 20:24


:welcome: to Calgary.

Call me if you need a place to stay.

omhughes 29 Jul 2008 04:58

just hit bannf...so its north for anchorage..
thank a mill for all the help.. much appreciated
did 555 miles today... my ass is in a sling

Arkayik 29 Jul 2008 19:19

Enjoy the ride north. Decent roads and good scenery!

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