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TinoCamino 2 Mar 2008 10:16

road trip from EUROPE TO INDIA

I'm going to India via Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. I want to start in summer 08 and my ride is a Yamaha sr 500.
Unfortunately I'm not a loner, so if you want to join me, or you know somebody who wants to do the same wicked trip as me, just tell me.

cheers TINO:welcome:

Zazigi 2 Mar 2008 13:15

Hello Tino!
I am Greg from Poland and I also plan moto trip to India or maybe even China-Mongolia-Russia and then back home this summer. Hard to talk about details for today but I think it is possible to go together there.

topher 27 Mar 2008 12:06

Rosenheim - Nepal
Hi Tino,

I'm an Englishman living in Rosenheim, Bavaria. I'm planning to ride a similar route leaving in August. I'm basically planning to ride alone, but if it worked out would be open to meeting up with other travellers on the road to ride particular sections (for example: Bam - Quetta). Do you have a definite leaving date in mind? I plan to leave here at the beginning of August, spend a bit of time in Turkey and hopefully arrive in Iran at the beginning of September. Would that fit in with your plans?

Best wishes


petcul 29 Mar 2008 00:44

In the early stages of planning a trip through Europe to Turkey, Iran to Kyrgystan and back, alternatively Russia, Kazakhstan to Kyrgystan and back.

Would be interested to hear from others heading in that general direction.

tobacco 31 Mar 2008 20:34

İstanbul to Kathmandu
Hi everybody;
I'm Murat from İstanbul. I'm planing Istanbul to Kathmandu route started at first week in august. My plan is shortly; travel in Iran nearly 2 weaks and enter the Pakistan, pass Pakistan as soon as possible that travel Indian Himalayas and Nepal. After Nepal if possible i want to travel Sıkkım. the turn route, visit Varanasi, Agra, Jaipur in India. Pass fastly Pakistan and Iran, first or second week in November arrive Istanbul.

if you have similar route and date we talk the details.


topher 1 Apr 2008 14:24

Rosenheim - Nepal
Hi Murat,

I'm planning to ride a very similar route to the one that you describe - and also don't plan to hang about in Pakistan. I'll be arriving in Istanbul sometime at the end of the first week in August - I hope to meet my parents in Istanbul and spend a week with them there then will head through Turkey towards Iran. Our planned times are a little different but maybe we could work something out.

As I said in my original post, I would particularly welcome company on the section between Bam and Quetta (the principal being "safety in numbers" - although everything that I've read/heard recently suggests that the stretch is rideable without problems if you use common sense and keep your eyes open).

If you can be flexible with your times perhaps you could let me know. I would be open to "speeding up" my own prospective program in Turkey/Iran to try to catch up with you if it is at all feasible.

I would also be happy to hear from any others who are planning a similar route.



topher 1 Apr 2008 14:28

I forgot to mention in my last post that I intend to spend a few months in Nepal and India and probably won't be heading back towards Europe until May or June.


tobacco 1 Apr 2008 17:57

Hi Chris
we talk the details at personal email or msn muratmurat_@hotmail.com . I may flexible for one week.


KennyE 1 Apr 2008 23:04

Hi all I will be do the same trip at around the same time. I am very flexible on times so will keep in touch. Maybe we can meet up on the road somewhere. I am riding to Australia



karter257 2 Apr 2008 06:22

Could well be interested in linking up for the Pakistan leg - I have no intention of hanging around except for the gate closing cremony at Lahore. I will be riding into Pakistan mid-late September from Iran (having rejoined my bike that is currently parked in Dubai). Once in India I would probably split as I want to visit Kelra but it would be ace to have join up here and there.

I am riding a sports tourer (Honda VFR750) so stick mainly to the tarmac - I think that will be mad enough in India!

tobacco 2 Apr 2008 08:38

Indian Himalaya
I ride 640 ADV. After Amritsar I want to ride on the Himalayas. For Himalays i also carry cross tyre. My sheadule;
2nd week of August; Start Istanbul
2nd-3rt week of August; travel Iran
last week of August; pass Pakistan (in 2 or 3 days for pass)
september; travel&rest in Indian Himalayas
1.-2. weeks of october; travel&rest in Nepal
after 3rt week of october begining the return route;

If you share your sheadule, we may decided to route in which we travel to gather


topher 2 Apr 2008 18:21

Rosenheim - Nepal
Hello Gentlemen,

Good to hear that a few of you are planning to ride a similar route - it would be great if it were possible to meet up for some of it (especially eastern Iran/Pakistan). My prospective plans are very flexible, especially after Istanbul (I hope to leave Istanbul sometime in mid-August).

I would suggest that we keep in touch on this forum (although anyone is also welcome to contact me by email at: topher_germany@hotmail.com - the gap between "topher" and "germany" is actually an underline "_" ), as it is a bit early to make definite plans right now.

I don't about you guys, but at the moment I'm extremely busy building a bike for the trip (an r100GS), trying to sort out visas, jabs etc and organising sponsorship/ funding for a project in Nepal. Apart from the ride there and back, the purpose of my trip is to spend a few weeks teaching/ observing at school near Bhojpur in eastern Nepal where I hope to help to establish a long term link to the school that I currently teach at in Germany.

Hope we can work something out!



TinoCamino 7 Apr 2008 07:46

i'm also quite bussy with prepering bike and visa...
as u wrote, lets keep in touch.
i can't exactly tell u when i'm leaving. but must be sometime about july/august. :scooter:


DaveSmith 10 Apr 2008 02:08

I'll be in Varanasi (North India) end of May. Not sure when my bike will arrive in Kolkata /Calcutta. I've got a 6 month visa which I might extend. I also want to see China and SE Asia. I don't have any set plans and I'm completely open to doing rides since that's what I'm doing there.

I was very close to taking my SR500 RTW but it just made too much sense.


Ham46 10 Apr 2008 23:07

Hi Gents,
I'll be leaving the Uk on the 24th May, looking at being in Turkey in July to pick up my Iranian Visa. Then heading into Pakistan, India, Nepal, Thailand ETC. I'll be travelling on a R100GSPD which I'm just finishing off the modifications at the moment. see you on the road!

topher 14 Apr 2008 09:03

Hi Graham,

Could it be that you are in touch with Eric Demant in Heilbronn and intending to visit him in May? I've been corresponding with Eric for the last few weeks about modifications to a 100GS that I'm building at the moment with a friend (driveshaft, starter, rear shock, tank........the usual problems). He mentioned that a fellow Englishman called Graham, riding a GSPD, was heading this way in the next few weeks. If that is the case, and you are indeed heading this way (I'm in Rosenheim - between Munich and Salzburg where the Autobahn splits towards Slovenia and Italy) maybe we could arrange to meet up and compare our respective routes. I'm not able to leave until early August but then plan to crack on quite quickly towards India/ Nepal - I'll take my time on the way back.

Best wishes


Ham46 15 Apr 2008 07:58

Hi Chris,
Yes I'm hoping to meet up with Erich if he's not away, I'm currently trying to arrange my Iranian visa for around the 20th of August, but I'm in no rush as I'm taking a few years out. If you can PM me i can give you my Phone number and we can talk about meeting up?

tobacco 15 Apr 2008 12:08

Hi Chris & Graham;
As you see my other post i will start my trip first or secend week of august. you also concant me with email muratcevik_@hotmail.com.
maybe we meet in esfehan and ride to Quetta.


topher 15 Apr 2008 15:34

Hi Graham and Murat,

Murat - I'll send you an email later today and we can discuss timing in more detail. I should be ready to leave Istanbul on 19th August at the latest (earlier if everything runs smoothly with my visas).

Graham - I'm not sure what PM means, but Eric Demant had already sent me your email address before I replied to your post - he thought that it might be useful for us to get in touch. If you don't mind, I'll send you a mail and we can swap phone numbers and try to work something out.



Ham46 15 Apr 2008 16:08

hi Chris,
send me an e-mail and we can have a chat! could you please pass my e-mail onto Murat as well, as you seem to be in contact!

andypettitt62 15 Apr 2008 19:37

Is it straight forward getting aN Iranian visa in Turkey.Its the only visa I'm worried about.I'd be applying on my New Zealand passport.Is it in Ankara or Istanbul you need to apply?The Pakistan and Indian visas are valid for six months after issue, where as the Iranian is only valid for three, and I was hoping to spend 2- 3 months riding round Europe and Turkey before heading east.I have a wedding in the south of France at the end of June, and was going to return to the UK to get my Iranian visa, but if its easy to get in Turkey,I'll carry on east.

tobacco 16 Apr 2008 21:02

Hi Chris; I didn't take your email. I think that we are going to discuss the route and timing. we have nearly 3 month and thats also short to decide what we will do.

Istanbul, Iran embassy telefon number is "00 90 212 513 82 30" u may ask your question...


topher 19 Apr 2008 17:35

Hi Murat,

I tried to mail you on Tuesday - apparently without success. I've sent the mail again to muratcevik_@hotmail.com - is there a "_" after muratcevik?



p.s. if you don't get a mail - my address is topher_germany@hotmail.com the space between "topher" and "germany" is a "_".

p.p.s I've spoken to Graham and meeting up looks like a real possibility

TinoCamino 22 Apr 2008 16:01

hey fellers,

how is it going with your plans???
finaly i can give u some more details about my trip
well well, i will reach the turkish-iranian border at mid august (approx. the 11th)and spend about a month in iran befor i cross the iranian-pakistanian border in beluchistan (mir-javeh) must be about the 8th of september.

so, if someone of you is over there just tell me.

chris, above u wrote that u are in Rosenheim, i'm in munich till july.
lets go for a ride trough the alps. may eating a pizza:)

cheers to all


topher 28 Apr 2008 10:12

Hi Tino,

The preparations for my trip are progressing nicely. If you drop me a line on the email address quoted above we could exchange phone numbers and arrange a time to meet up and ride a bit in the alps - as soon as my bike for the trip is finished (2-3 weeks I hope) I'll be riding as much as possible to identify and solve any problems before leaving at the beginning of August.

Hope to hear from you soon.



TinoCamino 4 May 2008 20:12

hey Chris

my add is k.lindpointner @gmx.net


ruckzuckweg 5 May 2008 13:02

india via turkey
Hey Tino
when do you start your trip?

Tom from Berlin t.m.berlin@email.de

LesFex 6 May 2008 12:41

Hello there,

I am also planning to do India trip but not now, I wish you to have a successfull journey.

TinoCamino 9 May 2008 10:31

if everything (bike, bureaucratic work) is complete I will start in mid july, going nearly straight to east europe (sopia)


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