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-   -   San Francisco to Panama (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/san-francisco-to-panama-60285)

wheatwhacker 18 Nov 2011 04:26

San Francisco to Panama
Hey all.
I'm leaving San Francisco CA on Nov 21th for a 2 month tour of Central America.

Here is my spot page if any of you are around or headed the same way.

SPOT Shared Page

John Downs 18 Nov 2011 12:36

The fields have all been harvested and the weather is getting brisk. The combines are silent in Northern Nebraska. All that's left is the wind blowing over golden stubble.

I always wondered what the gypsy Wheatwhackers did when the harvest was over. Now I know.

I'm not heading south at the moment, but thought I'd write to wish you well. I remember the excitement of taking off south. You'll have fun!

Take lots of pictures and report back what you find.

Kindest regards,
John Downs

kramnamhoh 20 Nov 2011 07:10

november 29th or 30th crossing at Nogales
Hi...I'll be heading south on November 30th (possibly november 29th) at Nogales. Am planning on first night at Los Mochis, and then the second night in guadalajara area. It would be great to ride with someone for the first few days southward. Please let me know if that is close to your timeframe...


Zigeuner53 20 Nov 2011 17:04

Hey Wheatie
Cultural Adventurer "Rob" just showed up at my door with a 2008 KLR burning oil. We're pulling it down today and replacing rings. Familiar story on the 08's - he bought it in Montana, only 10K on it too. Using a quart every 1000 miles or less.
Then I guess I'll run down to Copper Canyon with him, crossing at Palomas, we might be there the 27th or so. Maybe do Baja later.

i still owe you a beer.


o Jay o 25 Nov 2011 20:32

Los Angeles Dec 12 to Panama for Jan 3 SteelRat
Nice Spot page, which has you Thanksgiving in remote north Death Valley. :)

I should leave Los Angeles about December 12 for Panama. I intend to ride the SteelRat from Panama to Columbia January 3 so maybe we can ride together for a stretch.

Anyone going further I plan to ride to Rio for Carnival and ride Brasil for a few months.

PM me for contact info.

kramnamhoh 25 Nov 2011 21:04

Hey Ojayo...

I've got a reservation for january 3rd on the stahlratte too....I'll see you then!!

I may be in guatemala until around december 20th before I start south again for panama....maybe we can meet up during that part of the trip?


kramnamhoh 26 Nov 2011 14:44

On my way south today
Hi Wheatwhacker,

I'm leaving North California today. I'll be in Prescott, Arizona monday night, somewhere around Nogales, Arizona tuesday night. And then into Mexico early Wednesday. Is that anywhere close to your schedule for heading south?


noplacelikehome 26 Nov 2011 19:39

Good travels
Hey Martin and James,

Safe travels and enjoy your trip!

I wish I could join you guys! I have to be patient for another 6 months.

Juan Dia 1 Dec 2011 06:51

Phoenix to panama
hey everyone,

My buddy and I are planning a trip leaving phx and heading south to panama dec 12th .... However we are a bit worried being completely new to the scene. Needless to say, I've been combing the forums and trying to accumulate as much knowledge as possible ... But I have to throw this out there ....

What advice would you give a couple of newbies who are about to embark on a journey knowing nothing about what we are getting ourselves into? :)

I am sure this will be the journey of lifetime; our fears are based on inexperience and not knowing what to expect regarding safety (and those 2 factors haven't stopped us yet!)

- John

Shibby! 5 Dec 2011 04:52

Currently in PV, heading to Guadalajara, then near Mexico city for Monarch butterflies.. ? .. then down to Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido, then coast and east for more ruins eventually going into Guadamala, maybe Belize.



wheatwhacker 19 Dec 2011 14:17

Currently in Granada Nic. Crossing the border to Costa Rica today, sometime.
Should be in Panama by Friday.

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