Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   San Pedro de Atacama, Chile - Uyuni (or Tupiza), Bolivia - Anyone interested? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/san-pedro-de-atacama-chile-65534)

dylan_016 29 Jul 2012 22:23

San Pedro de Atacama, Chile - Uyuni (or Tupiza), Bolivia - Anyone interested?
Anyone interested in doing the SPDA - Uyuni (or Tupiza) circuit?

Ill be in Salta, Argentina in about a week (around 5 Aug 2012). I might hang around for a few days to make sure the bikes ready, and from there I plan to cross the Paso de Jarma into Chile, and on to SPDA.

Im on a 2008 KLR650, but am travelling solo, and would prefer a bit of company for this part of the trip. Particularly for safetys sake.

If you might be interested, please give me a shout.

Thanks all,


Brian Dublin 29 Jul 2012 23:29

I did san pedro to uyuni in december and it is the hardest ride ive ever done. although spectacular, it is basically sand for the first 100 miles, with little navigation - not helped by the altitude. I certainly wouldn't advise doing it alone. If you have lots of experience on sand you might find the ride manageable, particularly as you are on a lighter bike (I was on BMW 1200 GSA which was very heavy for the conditions). Good luck

russellbowden 11 Aug 2012 23:38

Hi Dylan, I just left Uyuni, I rode up to Oruro with a little shortcut (longcut) across the salt lake, also solo and riding a 250cc chinese enduro style bike, that road from Uyuni to Oruro is corrugated gravel for 150KM, but most of the time there is a sandy track running next to the gravel, which was much better.
right now I'm in Cochabamba, and will probably spend a day or two here working on the bike, where abouts are you?

dylan_016 12 Aug 2012 18:15

Brian, thanks for the advice.

Hi Russell, I just made it to SPDA last night. It was a pretty windy ride across the Paso Jama, but all formalities were quick and easy.

Ive decided to call of the SPDA - Uyuni trip, mainly because Im still solo, and Im not the biggest fan of a potential 100miles of sand!

My backs a bit sore from riding, so Ive decided to take some time out, and head to the Nth Chile coast to surf and camp for about a month. Im not sure where yet, Ill just ride north and check places out.

After that, I plan to head to La Paz for late September.

If youre in the area (Nth Chile), let me know if you wanna catch up for a beer.


russellbowden 16 Aug 2012 22:20


Originally Posted by dylan_016 (Post 389017)
Brian, thanks for the advice.

Hi Russell, I just made it to SPDA last night. It was a pretty windy ride across the Paso Jama, but all formalities were quick and easy.

Ive decided to call of the SPDA - Uyuni trip, mainly because Im still solo, and Im not the biggest fan of a potential 100miles of sand!

My backs a bit sore from riding, so Ive decided to take some time out, and head to the Nth Chile coast to surf and camp for about a month. Im not sure where yet, Ill just ride north and check places out.

After that, I plan to head to La Paz for late September.

If youre in the area (Nth Chile), let me know if you wanna catch up for a beer.


Cool mate, I'm in La Paz right now, will be in Bolivia and the south of Peru for the next month or 2, before I go to Chile, but we might cross paths later on when you're heading up and out of Chile, or when I'm heading down into it. Will check this post again later on and see what you're up to.


dylan_016 18 Aug 2012 05:26

OK no worries,

I might head for Ilo, Peru in about 2 weeks, Ill let ya know if I do.


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