Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   seeking travelers to Himalayas in July or August (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/seeking-travelers-himalayas-july-august-49968)

ssa2 28 Apr 2010 22:07

seeking travelers to Himalayas in July or August
I have been to India last year and it was one of the best rides I have ever had. I want to go back again but need to find someone to go with. I want to head into the Himalayas again in the Shimla, Leh area. Lots of great riding there and I have a place to rent motorcycles for the right price. Anyone interested please hit me back.

ssa2 30 Apr 2010 19:00

still looking
Well I see I have 73 lookers but no takers. I sure wish I could find some interest in this country as the himalayas are just stunning to ride in. I am willing to change my route to about anything someone wants so it it tripped your trigger at all get back to me as the time is getting shorter.

ssa2 4 May 2010 05:07

India Himalayas
Well I know India was a secret for me to find out about but I thought others on here would surely know what great riding was there. I thought I would surely have at least one answer from someone other than myself about riding here. I keep trying to keep this in the spotlight to get someone to answer me.

ediloby 8 May 2010 14:50

hi mate,
sounds great and to be fair i wouldent mind joining you but unfourtunatley im alll booked up this year with trips away and a businee to cope with but you have a great trip and stay safe nick

ssa2 12 May 2010 02:19

calling India on Skype
Thanks man I have been having trouble even calling there. I have been tryig to use skype and it does not go through. Anyone got the answer for calling India from USA on skype? the number is listed on his business card as
-09816163376 Help me if you can.

hook 12 May 2010 19:34

Hi, I'll be in the area then but have learned not to promise any specific dates! As for skype, enter the country code/flag and then drop the zero from the front of the number you listed. That may help. If the person is a skype member you can just add them via their email if you have that. I am in Thailand now and off to Nepal/India in a couple weeks. I live down in Colorado and have been on the road for 5 years. My pony is a BMW F650 Dakar. Hope to see you down the line, Dave.

planethopper 15 May 2010 01:04

Hey Hook
Hey Hook. How are you arranging your Garnet over there for 5 years?

ssa2 15 May 2010 06:21

India in August
Hi Hook
Thanks for getting back to me on the skype. I did get my call to go through and it was dropping the 0 that made it work. How hot is it in Thailand now? I spent the month of January there last year. I also did Laos and Cambodia and will be going back next january to do Viet Nam. I am from Minnesota so if you want to talk more hit me back private. Larry

hook 15 May 2010 19:04

Hi Larry, it's 95F here during the day. Things are really heating up at the protests as be well. The situation seems to be deteriorating now with 22 protesters killed in the last 3 days. The red shirts are brave going up against a well armed force that could unleash plenty of lead in a hurry if they are ordered to.
CARNETS: I have been getting them sent to me via DHL and UPS. 1 in Capetown CAA, 1 in Nairobi CAA(I ran out of pages due to a change of plans of plans), 1 in Germany through ADAC and 1 in the US, again through CAA.

planethopper 15 May 2010 23:59

So I guess you have some money sitting in Canada with CAA. Does it cost you anything to extend it while over there? I heard they only last for one year then you have to return with proof that the bike is back as well.

ssa2 3 Jun 2010 16:39

India Himalayas in August
Well not having much luck on here but the time is getting close so thought I would try one more time. With needing to get a Visa and airline tickets I will need to start to finalize the plan. I still can not believe that not more people have wanted to know about this absolutely fabulous area to ride. The mountains are just breathtaking every day. Well here is hoping and great riding to everyone.

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