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Sinky57 23 Apr 2015 19:01

Ship bikes Bangkok to europe
Would like to ship 2bikes home around end October November 2015 ,looking for others to share container costs .also does anybody have any knowledge of costs and shipping agents . Sinky

JCee 27 Apr 2015 06:08

I will be shipping my bike from Bangkok to the UK around that time. Currently expecting it to be about £650-750 for a solo shipment plus clearance charges in UK. I don't have the details to hand but there are a a number of agents in Bangkok who can do this.
Happy to share a container if the dates / destinations work out.

Sinky57 27 Apr 2015 07:10

Ship bikes Bangkok to Europe
Hi jee would be good to share can you let me have details when you get them cheers Sinky

Lonely Lynx 3 Oct 2015 04:12

Me too
I am planning also to ship my bike to Europe from Bangkok that time. The destination may be different but I would like to go through the process with you. I should be in Bangkok in the beginning of November. So could you please keep me informed.

niquedouille 27 Oct 2015 12:39

I'll be shipping mine as well from bkk to europe. I'll be in Thailand around 21-22 of November. If it matches with you, I'm in ! :)
Let me know by email (mp).

JCee 2 Nov 2015 08:34

Hi, sorry for the late reply.
Arrived Bangkok early October & bike is now on the water back to the UK.

After quite a biht of research I used KPS International (contact Nisarat at nisarat@kpsintertrade.com). Helpful team. They crated the bike for me, I decided to take the front wheel off to keep the volume (& hence cost) down. Cost including crating was 23,000 THB (about £420 or $650). On top of that there will be UK clearance & handling charges of about £395 (ouch!!) to pay when it arrives here. this is all based on a volume of 2.5m3 for my Tiger 800XC with panniers etc.

I did look into air fright but from Bangkok this is very expensive (250% more) & you get the impression nobody wants to do it. However ....

I found that Malaysian Airlines in KL are much better. You need a carnet to allow you to enter & ship from KL, but then you can airfreight direct to the UK for about £1000. I was going to do this until I found out that to get a Carnet from the UK would cost me about £700! If you already have one, I would say this is a no brainer, its a nice run into Malaysia from Bangkok, especially if you take in the Cameron Highlands.

Hope its helpful.


digger1 2 Nov 2015 19:42

I would agree with Jcee's last coment regarding shipping with Malaysian Airlines. I shipped back to the UK from KL in January this year. Basicially drive your motorbike, in my case a XT660Z Tenere with hard luggage to MASkargo (Malaysian Airlines cargo). They weigh the motorbike, fill in some paper work, pay your money and that's it. They all speak good English so very easy. You don't need a crate, you don't have to run the bike out of fuel, you DO have to disconnect the battery. The bike also stays complete, as in, you don't have to take the front wheel off, screen etc etc. It could'nt be any easier.

The cost for me was £620 for shipping then £150 to clear customs in the UK. I think that is good value. The motorcycle was cleared after 2 or 3 days. Cut off the plastic wrap they put around your motorcycle and drive off.:scooter: Simple.

The other advantage is that it only takes a fews days before you get your motorcycle back, rather than a Month or so if shipping by boat.

niquedouille 17 Nov 2015 19:54

Hi Jcee,
thank you very much for your feedback and the email address.

I'll probably use cargo shipping too, as I do not have a carnet and cannot consider air freight from KL, unfortunetly.

How did you estimate the arrival cost ? Can you get that from a phone call to the customs in England ?
Do you know how long it will take to arrive in England, or is it random ?

I'll be in Bangkok from thursday evening. If anyone wants to do the process together, feel free to contact me here or by private message !

cheers !

niquedouille 24 Nov 2015 06:26

Seems quite arch for france...
About 28000 baths for Le Havre and an estimation of about the same for customs clearance 650-700e...

Fuc*** carnet de passage rule.. seems so easier and cheaper from malaysia !

niquedouille 7 Dec 2015 12:17

Bill all included bangkok to le havre (france) : 20 000 baths :)

Made a crate of 2.00x1.13x0.80m to keep the price as low as possible. Took off the whole front, and the front wheel.

I definetly recommand Nisarat, he's been really efficient and the team that made the crate is really cool and helping !

niquedouille 24 Jan 2016 21:10

just got the bike out of the seaport of Le Havre in France.
I paid the forwarder 400e in advance... and that's all I had to pay ! custom clearance took me 30 minutes and i spent an other 30 minutes at the warehouse.. that's all !!!

530€ in Bangkok
406€ in Le Havre

936€ in total.. that's pretty cheap !

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