Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   South from Seattle next week (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/south-from-seattle-next-week-24485)

tommym 6 Dec 2006 22:23

South from Seattle next week
I'm heading south next week. I hope to hit Mexico in the New Year.
Riding a 2003 Triumph T100 Bonneville but intend to take it all the way to Argentina.
So all the style with none of the practicality. Love it.
I'm a British guy with no Spanish skills yet, but its only a matter of time.

I travelling for about a year with no defined schedule. All I have it mind is to head down the West coast of USA till San Fran - over to Vegas, through Arizona - down to Mexico - through Baja - then across to Mexico City - Veracruz - Merida - Cancun - onwards throughout every country of Central America and down the West coast of Latin America - to TDF - then up to BuenoAries and finish up in Rio.
I'll figure it out as I go along.

Up in Vancouver at the moment just finally setting up my bike.
Snow on the roads and biting cold with the wind chill.
So if you've found a nice beach to camp on let me know.

To the sun I say................

pappy 6 Dec 2006 23:00

Costa Rica Bound
If you make Costa Rica by the end of Dec or early Jan. I could well be the guu your looking for. I am currently in Costa Rica in San Jose studying Spanish. I will be ready to continue south around the first of next year.
I am in the Hotel Cacts, Barreo Mexico, San jose. Look me up. if you need a traveling companion through Columbia and Ecuador. and to TDF

fastfreddy 9 Dec 2006 04:11

Stop In Baja
Eh ,stop for a coffee and a fire south of todos santos

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