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bulboustoe 15 Dec 2003 07:58

Travelling from Mexico to Belize and Guatemala
Hello fellow motorcyclist comrades,

We are two deranged mororcyclists touring around Mexico, from England via the US. We are heading further south towards Belize and Guatemala, maybe further. Our planned route is very relaxed ie. we don't have one. Planning is something we lack.

Currently, we are in the Yucatan region. If there are any bikers in the area, we could meet up, exchange experiences, horror stories etc. Just drop us a line.

richardb 18 Dec 2003 21:23

Hi there, I´m richard also a Brit, currently in tequila near guadalajara, heading for TDF eventually.

My plans such as they are, are to be in Acapulco for xmas and then head south down the pacific coast. stay in touch and maybe we can find a point to meet up.

happy travels


paulc 19 Dec 2003 01:25

we are a british couple travelling to south america. we are in mexico, near veracruz and plan to be in the yucatan for christmas. we will be travelling thugh central america in january. We would prefer to travel with a group thugh some of the more dodgy countries (cheaper too, Its usually easier to do deals on accomidation if you need a few rooms). Email us if you would like to meet up somewhere

colesyboy 23 Dec 2003 23:38

Hi all,

Currently in Mexico until the start of Feb, then travelling though Central America. Looks like you will all be ahead of me, but keep in touch & maybe meet on the road soon.

Feliz Navidad all!

- my god rich, you are making good time!


Dan 23 24 Dec 2003 03:03

Hey People, I´m just ahead of you - Managua right now, Costa Rica for New Year. I travel real slow, so give me a shout as you pass by. Feliz Navidad, Dan Walsh

mareestu 27 Dec 2003 07:23

i'm touring mexico also, yet another brit , near veracruz at moment, yucatan in feb possibly, ???where are you now¿¿¿

richardb 28 Dec 2003 07:21

Hi all the brits (and everybody else really)

I{m in Palenque right now, planning to cross into Guatamala on 30th, not at Tapachula, but slightly further north at Cuidad something or other (sorry left the guide book back at the hotel, but its the end of Route 190 past Comitan). supposed to be easier than Tapachula route.

Anyway if this is in line with anybody else - drop me a line. Or look out for a BMW F650 Dakar with Zega cases

All the best.


J&R 29 Dec 2003 08:12

Wow, Brits abroad or what! Just when you think you are unique.....

Great to hear about everyone travelling in Mexico. We are Jane & Richard and are travelling on a yellow GS1150. We are currently in Campeche from here will explore the Yucatan (Uxmal, Chechen Itza and Tulum)before crossing into Belize just after New Year. From there we will go straight to Tikal and then hang around in Guat for a week or so before racing down to Panama in order to fly to Quito mid to late Jan. Eventually hope to be in TDF no later than middle March (weather permitting)....at least thats the plan!

Would be great to meet you guys, so if our plans cross yours at any point let us know. Contact us here or through our website


Safe Riding everyone!

bikerjon 30 Dec 2003 03:42

Just behind some of you...I am near Acapulco. May go to Yucatan, then Belize early January. Anyone in area then?
I am from USA on Suzuki dr650.

bulboustoe 31 Dec 2003 07:58

Wow, lots of responses!

We are currently stuck in Playa Del Carmen, just south of Cancun. I´ve been waiting for a new chain and sprocket set to arrive from the US and it´s finaly here. We should be back on the road and heading to the Belizean border in the next 2-3 days.

Look forward to meeting up...

richardb 5 Jan 2004 06:20

thought I would try and keep this thread going. Where is everybody?

Im in Honduras now got heavily ripped off at the border at El Amatillo from El Salvador. Look out.

Nicaragua tomorrow probably for a few days before Costa Rica.

Hope to see you folks on the road.



Cam Johnson 7 Jan 2004 02:11

Hi Everybody,
I´m currently in Antigua, Guatamala and am heading south to El Salvador and beyond with the intention of getting to Panama City mid to late Jan. Look out for me on a KLR and don´t be afraid to give a shout out if you pass by.
Cheers and great riding.

mareestu 9 Jan 2004 04:48

I'm getting left way behind now, putting bike in for service at Toluca, meanwhile meeting up with nonbiking brother for 2 weeks.
But will be watching y'all if you keep this going ..... any suggestions re insurance for theft/damage to bike for a brit in central america, could you email me if you have something, meanwhile, joyous riding .. maybe just maybe, if you loiter, i'll catch you up !

colesyboy 10 Jan 2004 03:13

Hey all,

Back in La Paz, Baja to see girly. She leaves tomorrow then I'm back on mainland Mexico until early feb when I hope to be in Belize or Guatamala...

Ride safe,


Dan 23 10 Jan 2004 05:41

Comrades, still in Costa Rica, staying with Paul from Motos Costa Rica in Atenas, north west of San Jose. Top people, great workshop, perfect overlander pitstop. Will be here for maybe a week then up to Caribean Coast and across to Panama and Bocas del Toro. Yes. Email for beery nonsense. Or sober advice.
Cheers, Dan Walsh

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