Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   UK To Cyprus (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/uk-to-cyprus-1235)

ozhanu 15 Apr 2005 07:44

Hi Tony,

Its nice to read your juorney logs. I hope I could also write here when I am doing my trip. As soon as I submit my thesis and have the viva I'll start to journey. It will be mid June I guess. I miss Efes beer with fried mussels a lot, even the ale and fish and chips is ok http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Have a nice journey and ride safe, keep updating us please.
BTW, I am sorry about you Martyn. Hope u get well soon and start to ride.

ride safely
ozhan u.

pinkolive 17 Apr 2005 05:51

Hi guys
i also went to Istanbul last april - but was seeing friends in Italy so got the ferry from Ancona to Greece - the riding in Greece is great but the tarmac can be slippery.

where do you get the ferry to Cyprus?
can you also get a ferry that will take a bike to Egypt?

ozhanu 17 Apr 2005 06:13

Hi Richard,
There is a ferry from Tasucu/Mersin(Turkey) to Girne(Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) The price is quite cheap and suitable for vehicle transportaion if you take one of the ferry which are managed by Turkish Maritime. Takes about 6 hours, because they are dead slow. Other option is to take the faster ones. They cross in about 3 hours, but, I am not sure about vehicle transportaion with this ferries. There is definately no ferry connections to Egypt from Turkey.

ride safely
ozhan u.

[This message has been edited by ozhanu (edited 17 April 2005).]

Tony Carr 19 Apr 2005 02:39

Hi All,

I am now safely back home, having arrived about an hour ago. My trip from Turkey took me through Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium and France.

I will do a full ride report for the site and post it in the next week or so.

Regards to all


ozhanu 19 Apr 2005 06:58

Welcome back Tony... It is nice to see you again without having any trouble!!
I am lookinf forward to read your travel notes.

ride safely
ozhan u.

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