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Uk to Thailand 2008
I am planning a trip leaving uk late May 2008 travelling through Europe to attempt to enter China and on to Lao and Thailand. Before everyone tells me I know the odds on getting into China are slim !!! but I am prepared to try, anyone else interested?.
Have fun, ride safe !! Jimmy |
Hi Jimmy, how advanced is the planning, what route, bike, duration ect. Brian.
Re Planning
Hi Brian, I am still in the initial planning stages ( my definition). I travelled U.K. to Vladivostock in 2005 and then by7 ferry to south Korea, for that journey I used an xt600. I plan to use an xt again since I am only 5'6" and weight plus seat height limit the number of bikes that suit. The route ??? The sticky bit is getting into China without the $100 a day government guide. I know people have managed via Kahzekstan ( excuse spelling) So I will initially try the same route, I believe there are at least three crossings into China via Khaz. I have a few ideas to enhance my chances ( I think olympic year may be an advantage) also I think that too many riders will reduce the chances. I have no detailed route and though I will draw up a detailed plan incl;uding several China crossing alternatives. Mail me off the board for more info ( I am a bit protective of China crossing ideas, too many attempts at the same border point may reduce my chances)
Have fun Jimmy |
Hi Jimmy, did you get the email I sent you about trip to China? Brian
Hi Jimmy,
I'll be leaving the UK next year around April/May/June as well. Destination Sydney (for starters), maybe RTW. Planning either northern or southern route (China or Iran/Pakistan) and definitely want to go to Laos. Been there before and it's a great place. You're right, Olympic Year might be a good thing. I haven't started any planning yet, so I'm open to anything. Feel free to PM me. Bjorn |
Hey Bjorn, what will you be riding?
Hi all, Im looking to travel east sometime next years and kinda looking to see who else is interested . XT600z . No definate plans or route just early planning. Anyone wanna compare plans. Brian.
Hi Alex,
At the moment I've got an F650 Dakar, twinspark, and I'm pretty happy with it. So I guess I'll stick with it if I don't experience any major problems in the next few months. What's your plans & what are you on? Anyone who's interested in going, whichever route: Please keep posting. I think now is the time to get scheming & dreaming. Maybe we could all meet up at some point later to compare notes/routes. |
Hi, seems to be a few here with similar plans. Im planning on leaving uk early spring 2008. europe, middle east. Asia (north or south)Irans on my wish list. China would be a good final destination, but there seem to be so many conflicting reports here and elsewhere about intering the country on motorbike so shall have to see. I'll be on my XT600 Tenere, sweet old macine. Im in London so perhaps it might be worth getting a few together sometime to compare notes and plans. Brian.
Some info
Hi Bjorn,
I will be leaving in Sept, going EU, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Thailand, SE Asia and possibly Australia. :mchappy: I have the habit of keeping all the info electronically so once I have finished my planning I see if it is all emailable and if you are interested I will send you some zip files with the outcome of my weeks of researching, otherwise I will put everything on a CD. Keep in touch. |
Good idea
I ride a XTZ660 1995 bythe way. |
Hi Alex, seem to be getting some interest in this one. Are you planning on leaving September 2007? Brian
Yes, this Sept coming
Yes, this Sept coming (2007).
Will leave the UK at the beginning of August, travel around Europe for a few weeks and then set off from Venice (where I am from...). I don't have a precise date in mind but I was thinking about the 2nd week of Sept or just a bit later (we have beaches in Ve and it's stll hot in Sept:Beach: |
Hi Alex,
Unless you're planning a very quick stint to Pakistan, I would leave earlier than September. Most people on this route leave the UK mid-June. I dont know too much precise information but from what I've heard, you need to get the timing right for Pakistan (Karakorum highway) and India (monsoon seasons). If you don't want to do the KKH, you might be OK. But then again: why would you want to miss out on the highest paved highway in the world? A friend of mine did it a few years back and said it was awesome! Anyway... just a thought. To all: I agree, it seems a fair bunch of us in this early planning stage. Let's meet up at some point! I'm London-based as well. |
Hello Bjorn,
I was actually thinking to ride straight to India/Nepal where I can ship my bike over to Thailand and then take it easy visiting SE Asia and Australia, the Karakoram Highway is very tempting though, I will see if I am not too late in the season, I suppose in the KKR being quite high the winter begins early with overnight sudden temperature falls. I scheduled my departure in mid Sep because I always thought the monsoon season in India is June-Sept and summer in Iran is apparently very hot (but will need to go through the mountains in Turkey before it gets really cold), that's why leaving Venice in Sept is quite good in my opinion. I estimated to touch Australia by Christmas when it's summer over there, spend a few weeks visiting around and coming back at the beginning of the southern emisphere's winter which means I will find sping or summer again on my way back over here - don't like to ride in cold weather... My idea was camping or free-camping as much as I can (except for big towns) to make my money last longer. Any suggestion anyone? |
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