Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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rhinoculips 5 Apr 2007 19:41

Ushuaia- April 7, 2007
Anyone one around for a pint or three?

We are 3, in Punta Arenas at the moment and will be in Ushuaia on April 7th.


brennan 7 Apr 2007 22:22

Pint x3!!
Yeah man I`m in. I am here in Ushuaia. Dublin Bar? Give me a time. Three more bikers coming tomorrow.

rhinoculips 7 Apr 2007 22:32

Funny enough Brennan! I am part of the 3 "other" bikers you speak of. Mark Robinson just told me about you. Mark, Helge and I will hopefully be in Ushuaia tomorrow that is if Helge gets his rear bearing problem fixed tonight. Only 150 miles to go and his bike goes down. Damn! Ushuaia is within our grasps. Soon enough, soon enough.

See ya for a pint tomorrow!


brennan 7 Apr 2007 22:35

I know how you guys feel. I was stuck in Rio Gallegos for a month with a broken clavicle. A mere 500 miles North of Ushuaia!

See you tomorrow for a pint!

gpothoven 8 Apr 2007 17:31

Heading there. Leaving Calafate today. Hopefully some bike bums will still be around...

brennan 8 Apr 2007 19:43

Dublin bar 7:30? Any and all bikers welcome. It`s one block up the hill off of the main drag.

I just took a cruise around the National Park. Absolutly amazing. It`s a cold time of year to be down here but we get to see the leaves change color.

I hope you guys get here in one piece. Brutal winds today.

rhinoculips 10 Apr 2007 16:19


If you are still around or just getting into town...

We are still in Ushuaia. Most likely leaving Thursday, April 12th or Friday. Stop in at the Dublin Pub. Nights of beer drinking usually starting around 7:30 to 8pm. Meet us for a pint or two. Just look for a sturn looking, bald Norwegian, a dreaded Englishman and me, a rhino sized fellow.

Brennan just left today and has along way to go to get to Santiago in just over a weeks time to meet his girlfriend. Long days are instore for him.

Hope to see ya! The more bikers the better.


gpothoven 10 Apr 2007 23:21

Hey Rhino!

Getting on the Pta Arenas to Porvenir ferry tomorrow am. Will try to catch you before you leave.

clifffffffff 11 Apr 2007 01:21

best way to ushuia
can anybody tell this novice south american rider the best way to ushuia from san rafael arentina ?? thank for any suggestions

gpothoven 12 Apr 2007 23:40


Originally Posted by clifffffffff (Post 132703)
can anybody tell this novice south american rider the best way to ushuia from san rafael arentina ?? thank for any suggestions

Whatever you do, come well equipped... It's very cold here! 33 deg F last night in Ushuaia, and 31 and snow coming over the Garibaldi pass.

Noblequest 3 May 2007 16:46

Ushuaia May 3rd 2007
Is anyone still here? We just landed this morning and are at Hosteria Los Fuegos. The bikes wont arrive for a few days so we have some time to kill and are wondering what to see and do? Also who has shipped bikes into Ushuaia via cargo boat? We are wondering where to go to recieve the bikes. If anyone is here and is up for a beer or three, let us know.

Rob Noble
Noble Quest - Argentina to Alaska on V-Strom 650s

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