Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Vancouver,B.C. to Viedma, Argentina (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/vancouver-b-c-viedma-argentina-28930)

Peter Oechsler 22 Aug 2007 06:36

Vancouver,B.C. to Viedma, Argentina
I will be leaving Vancouver,B.C. early October 2007
Ushuaia is my ultimate goal, but would like to hit the meeting in Viedma.
My previous rides, the Dempster to Inuvic, Trans Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador, Texas, Copper Canyon in Mexico and the West Coast to Capo San Lucas have all been solo rides.
It would be great to team up with other riders on the way to South America.
I am well into retirement age, 71 to be precise, but feel comfortable with 600 km days. My ride is a 2000 650 GS.
Checking out some local attractions and meeting the locals should have higher priority then making maximum miles, unless there is the absolute need to knock off a thousand Km's
The trip is only moderately well researched and input from potential ride mates would be welcome.
GS Pete

grumpytoo 22 Aug 2007 17:20

My son and I are heading South in the Beginning of September. The plan is to head South in no great rush. We may start a bit ahead but if you are coming behind you may catch up, or not. Can't hurt to stay aware. <img> I am leaving the Seattle area on 8/27 to meet my son in Texas and leave from there sometime in early September


mollydog 22 Aug 2007 18:40

I'm on a funky blue DR650.

Who knows? One day at a time. :mchappy:

Hope to run into you guys!

Del Boy 22 Aug 2007 22:12


Originally Posted by Peter Oechsler (Post 148029)
I will be leaving Vancouver,B.C. early October 2007
Ushuaia is my ultimate goal, but would like to hit the meeting in Viedma.
My previous rides, the Dempster to Inuvic, Trans Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador, Texas, Copper Canyon in Mexico and the West Coast to Capo San Lucas have all been solo rides.
It would be great to team up with other riders on the way to South America.
I am well into retirement age, 71 to be precise, but feel comfortable with 600 km days. My ride is a 2000 650 GS.
Checking out some local attractions and meeting the locals should have higher priority then making maximum miles, unless there is the absolute need to knock off a thousand Km's
The trip is only moderately well researched and input from potential ride mates would be welcome.
GS Pete

Hi Pete,

I'm in Montana at the moment, staying with Bill Ryder and servicing the bike(Honda Africa Twin). On my way South thru the States then taking a similar route to yourself. Hopefully we can hook up somewhere down the road. I too have retired but am a mere youngster at 58!
Keep it rubber side down.


BlackBeast 23 Aug 2007 03:23

Hi Peter,
sent you an email as I couldn't send you a pm

Peter Oechsler 23 Aug 2007 04:23

Vancouver to Viedma
Hi Daryll,
Received your e-mail and replied in kind.
So you want to learn about the mechanics of the beast.
I on the other hand am struggling to handle the HUBB.
You know it is hard -or as in my case nearly impossible- to teach an old dog new tricks.
It's a brave new world if you grew up before TV; no not BC, just TV.
GS Pete

Peter Oechsler 23 Aug 2007 04:34

Vancouver to Viedma
Hi Dereck,
I am not sure whether I should ride with youngsters, but am willing to make an exception in your case.
When will you be leaving Montana?
Lets keep in touch.
I would love to ride alongside an" Africa Twin."

Peter Oechsler 23 Aug 2007 05:07

Vancouver to Viema
Hi Chris,
It is neat to hear that you are riding with your son.
Too bad you guys are so far ahead-timewise- of me.
However, you never know.
If you stop for a lot of beers, and do a lot of side trips we might still run into each other.
Happy travels,

Peter Oechsler 23 Aug 2007 05:22

Vancouver - Viedma
Hi Patrick,
I like your itinerary-all over the place and one day at a time.
As for cheap meds( isn't that a limey expression) living in Canada I get a cut from the Government.
Besides I have enlarged my panniers to take enough for three months.
Now I am just worried about US Costums in Blaine Washington.
As for old guys sticking together; I have proposed to name this trip
the "Geezer Cruise"
Be good,

Mombassa 23 Aug 2007 07:00

Sounds like a great ride. I hope I can contemplate that when I am your age .... I spent last year doing this: www.nohorizons.net so I have learned a few things. Maybe some useful notes are here: main

Let me know if you need more info ... I'm dowtown. Where are you?

Peter Oechsler 24 Aug 2007 04:51

GS Pete
Hi Kevin,
Awsome! I just looked at your slide show, and surely want to know more about your trip.
Info, you ask; yeah I need tons of it.
Lunch is on me, should you ever have time to meet.
I live in Deep Cove.
Give me a shout (604) 929-0926

Mombassa 24 Aug 2007 04:58


Originally Posted by Peter Oechsler (Post 148238)
Hi Kevin,
Awsome! I just looked at your slide show, and surely want to know more about your trip.
Info, you ask; yeah I need tons of it.
Lunch is on me, should you ever have time to meet.
I live in Deep Cove.
Give me a shout (604) 929-0926

I sent you a PM ... will call after next week.

JimD 24 Aug 2007 05:22

Peter, Patrick, Chris, Derek,

I too am an "Old Geezer" heading south this October if all works out. Seems to be a lot of us on bikes these days.

No particular place, no particular time, other than Spanish school in San Pedro, Guat. - just a relaxed tour. Sort of "spit in my hand, hit it and see which way it squirts" type thing. May end up in Ushuaia christmas day.

If you see a grey headed old bassar on a green '08 KLR, wave me down and I'll buy you a cervesa.

Peter Oechsler 24 Aug 2007 06:07

GS Pete
Hi Jim,
You seem to be riding my style; make it up as you go!
My ultimate destination is also Ushuaia.
Where will you be riding from?
After a bunch of solos,I thought it would be neat to ride with people.
I'll keep my eyes peeled for the green KLR, just to get my hands on the promised cervesa.
No rocking chair for us Geezers,

grumpytoo 24 Aug 2007 15:28


Originally Posted by Peter Oechsler (Post 148144)
Hi Chris,
It is neat to hear that you are riding with your son.
Too bad you guys are so far ahead-timewise- of me.
However, you never know.
If you stop for a lot of beers, and do a lot of side trips we might still run into each other.
Happy travels,

We will keep an eye on the board. If you see a KLR and a Ural that would be us. We will be easing through the country side.


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