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-   -   Victoria,BC to Buenos Aires- early 2009 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/victoria-bc-buenos-aires-early-39304)

Captain Adventure 4 Dec 2008 01:35

Victoria,BC to Buenos Aires- early 2009
Hi folks,

First post ever on the Hubb forum.

I am a recent returnee to motorcycling after having taken about 25 years off to raise a family and pursue a career. Over the past 12 months I have logged some wonderful miles and still feel compelled to continue. Perhaps it is a mid-life crisis as I just turned 50 in October. My wife does enjoy riding and participated in the China and Thailand and Alberta-BC tours but it sounds like she has other plans for the new year so I am casting my net to attempt to identify any like minded adventurers that may wish to join me in discovering South America, a place I have not yet been. I have no ability in Spanish and my riding skills are diminishing….therefore the reason to get going soon before they have completely deteriorated.

Riding resume over the past 12 months…

Baja – Ensenada to Cabo – Christmas 2007 – Honda 450 – 2000km
New Zealand – BMW GS1200, February 2008 edelweissbike tour, 3500 km
Victoria, BC to Phoenix Arizona and back, May 2008, BMW 650 Dakar, 7500km
BC Alberta loop – July 2008, KTM 990 Adventure, 2000km
China – Silk Road Tour – October 2008 BMW GS1200 edelweissbike tour, 3000km
Thailand –off road, November 2008 - Suzuki 400 dual sport, 1000km

I have a 2007 KTM 990Adventure that should get the job done if it does not run out of gas. Love the bike but the range is limited. It will probably need a tune-up and some new rubber before getting into Latin America but otherwise I think I am good to go. Prefer to travel as light as possible, without camping equipment and find suitable accommodation along the way.

Lofty Intentions - 800km days max. (less is more) Avoid night riding. Take a rest day every 3 or 4 days and enjoy the sites. Hoping to depart BC in January...weather permitting.

aka Captain Adventure

Calvin 4 Dec 2008 02:42

Hello Randy
I rode my f650 from Calgary to Arizona in Oct. and left my bike there. I will start my Panama ride in Feb. If the dates were to match up we could ride some togeather. I speak decent Spanish and have travelled in Mexico and Guatemala with Habitat for Humanity.


Captain Adventure 4 Dec 2008 19:34

Victoria BC to Buenos Aires-early 2009
Hello Calvin,
I have a riding buddy who resides in Phoenix and I will be doing some arm twisting over Christmas (in Edmonton) to get him to join the tour. There is a good chance that I will be routeing thru Phoenix to pick up my buddy late January. I'll update my itinerary after Christmas as the program firms up.

Is your southern most destination Panama?

Ride safe.

dboisclair 4 Dec 2008 22:12

Greetings from Summerland but I hate you both!
OK - before the PC police clamp down I'm kidding of course - but I AM enviouse as hell.
Good luck!
I'm in the ame boat: no riding for 30 years and just recently back into it. No major BC/Alta trips but 7,000klm from Phoenix to Panama this past Jan and my wife and I are doing 4 weeks in Mexico two-up this coming January. If our paths cross the first round of beer is on me.
And if your plans don't gell this this time around I'm planning the same trip next fall and would love a riding partner.

Calvin 5 Dec 2008 02:12


My southern most destination is indeed just Panama. I retired 1 and a half years ago and with the market the way it is I am lucky to even be going!

I worked for 6 months this year for a contractor at Mable Lake near Vernon and this is helping pay for the trip. Cruised the Okanagan lots .

Maybe next summer when I go back to the Okanagan we could meet and ride some of the good trails around Kettle valley?

dboisclair 5 Dec 2008 21:17

I just re-read your post and see that you're planning on 800klm/day. I haven't done SA but from the US through to Panama 800klm is a VERY long day. When everything was taken into account: breaks, gas, getting lost, etc etc we found that 350klm - 500klm was the best we could do. And there were some tough days that were a lot less. In Nothern Mexico the roads are great if you stick to the Autopista but it's expensive and you don't see much. Stray from these however and the Topes wil really slow you down.
Once you hit CA count on at least 4 hours for each border crossing.
Just food for thought so you give yourself enough time.

gthompson 8 Dec 2008 21:07

Victoria,BC to Buenos Aires- early 2009
Hey Randy,

I've been planning a trip for a while too. I was planning on leaving in late January or early February however my schedule is very flexible. Pretty much as soon as I'm fed up with the central alberta winter. I'll be riding a new BMW F800 GS, a somewhat untested bike so far but I think it will do fine. I tried to put some miles on it lately but it's now -15 degrees and snowing. I had planned on driving down to Phoenix with the bike in the back of the truck and starting from there ( I have family friends there where I can park the truck). As for a turn around point, I was hoping to get to Panama but again my schedule is flexible. Like you, I speak little to no spanish at all but I have stumbled my way through parts of central america before without too much trouble (Not on a bike however). My motorcycle travelling is pretty much limited to a 1800 km or so trip around Costa Rica on a Honda 250 4 stroke and a little bit of putting around in Thailand but I've been riding motorcylces all my life (farm kid). Anyway, let me know what you think and what your plans are.

Greg Thompson

Captain Adventure 10 Dec 2008 02:12

Victoria,BC - Buenos Aires - early 2009
I saw some new gs800s today at the bimmer dealer in Victoria. Very nice.
I'll post an itinerary early in January and let all interested parties know what my plan is.

I hope to sneak past winter down the west coast but trucking the bike to Phoenix might be the smarter way to go.


gthompson 10 Dec 2008 17:02

Yah, I think sneaking down the coast could be pretty risky. Might be alright though. I may be able to arrange a place to park your vehicle if you decided to truck to Phoenix.

nomad2906 4 Jan 2009 00:01

Hey Gents

This 51 year old has been considering a Canada-Panama trip for a while now. Timing of early 2009 could very well be good for me. Hell, I might even consider carrying on to Buenos Aires.......

My ride for the trip will be a 2007 Buell Ulysess. I'll keep an eye on this thread for further developments.

Captain Adventure 8 Jan 2009 03:51

Latest....Tentative schedule is to sneak past winter down the west coast leaving Victoria,BC on or before 25 January.

I should be departing for Mexico from San Diego around 1 Feb.

Tentatively now... From there I will re-trace my previous trip down the Baja, ferry from La Paz to Mazatlan and head on down through Central America.

The Darrien Gap in Panama will prevent me from a non-stop ride south into Columbia so will need to ferry or fly my bike to Columbia from either Panama or Costa Rica.

After that it is loop down the west coast (South America) and go until the weather forces me back up the south east coast into Argentina. From there the bike needs to go to Australia or Africa. Haven’t decided yet.

Charging the dead battery today with new charger. Bought an external digital thermometer so I know when it gets close to freezing/death. lol


Calvin 8 Jan 2009 05:25

Looks like I will miss you by a month! Feb 24 I will be in Tucson changing tires and last minute details. Will most likely ride south around the first of March and plan to hit the Cooper Canyon first.
The ride to Panama should take about a month after that, no real plans as far as timing. I'll keep an eye on this site for riding companions. I have 2 or so months in total.

arildjensen 9 Jan 2009 03:35

L.A. meetup?

I can't join you but if you have time I'd love to meet up when you pass through L.A. Best of luck!:thumbup1:

nomad2906 11 Jan 2009 13:40

Looks like I'll be stuck here in Dubai on work related issue's for the next month at least.

Looks like no bike trip to Panama for me this winter

Have fun you guys


Zigeuner53 11 Jan 2009 23:21

hook up to costa rica
I may finally continue my interrupted journey the end of January. I made it to Colombia but had to return for a little more dough. Now should jump off in LA - San Diego about the last week of january. Wouldnt mind heading over to Big bend park in Texas though first and down thru Copper canyon to Costa Rica where I live part time. :scooter:
der Zigeuner

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