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-   -   Western China (G219) to Nepal August/September 2013 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/western-china-g219-nepal-august-68073)

Charlemagne 1 Jan 2013 19:21

Western China (G219) and Tibet - August 2013
Happy New Year All,

Looking for a small group of 4 riders plus 1 4x4 (willing to let the Chinese guide travel with them :) ).

Planning to enter China from Kyrgyzstan (Torugart pass) on 20 Aug 2013, then to Kashgar and Kargilik, pick up the G219 all the way down to Lhatse in Tibet. Exit China at border with Nepal at Zhangmu. Would consider including Lhasa if sufficient interest.

Duration: 25 days

Distance: approx. 2,800 kms

Camping: as much as possible

Chinese Tour Company: NAVO

Cost: approx. GBP 1,022 (for group of 6: 5 riders plus 1 4x4)

tuohtroc 9 Jan 2013 00:12

Can you tell me what these costs cover? Just the permits?
I am planning an overland trip to Oz, and China sounds very tempting, but it seems also difficult to enter and expensive... I read so many different things about it, you need a Chinese drivers license, chinese registration... can you tell me more, cause its all 'chinese' to me at this point...
Thanks! Hope to hear more!

Dave seager-Thomas 20 Jan 2013 09:00

Hi Charlemagne

We want to cross China Mongolia-Nepal and have a 4x4 camper but no spare seat we have a closed in space which would carry a M/C gear if the guide would travel on a bike just a thought


uk_vette 20 Jan 2013 09:32


Originally Posted by Charlemagne (Post 406001)
Happy New Year All,

Looking for a small group of 4 riders plus 1 4x4 (willing to let the Chinese guide travel with them :) ).

Planning to enter China from Kyrgyzstan (Torugart pass) on 20 Aug 2013, then to Kashgar and Kargilik, pick up the G219 all the way down to Lhatse in Tibet. Exit China at border with Nepal at Zhangmu. Would consider including Lhasa if sufficient interest.

Duration: 25 days

Distance: approx. 2,800 kms

Camping: as much as possible

Chinese Tour Company: NAVO

Cost: approx. GBP 1,022 (for group of 6: 5 riders plus 1 4x4)

Hi Charle,

That price you quote, GBP 1,022.

Is that the cost for each of the sub groups?
ie, 1 x person on a motorcycle = GBP 1,022
2 x persons in a 4x4 also GBP 1,022 (which would carry the guide)

Just trying to work out your plan.

pm sent

uk_vette 25 Jan 2013 12:06

Bumperty bump,

Hi Charle,

did you get the PM ?


travel4four 25 Jan 2013 15:04

Just as a word of warning - for Tibet travel, keep an eye on visa requirements, which are a bit of a moving target. Last we looked at them (about a month ago), visas were only being issued to groups of 5+ travellers OF THE SAME NATIONALITY, and individuals with residence permits in China were being denied.

Your agency should be following this and able to tell you what the current status is (which is likely to have changed from the above), but do be aware that it can and does change frequently.


Dave seager-Thomas 26 Jan 2013 14:26

Hi Charlie

Have you seen Discover 4x4 we are now thinking to possibly going this way to India


Charlemagne 3 Feb 2013 19:31

Apologies for the delay in reply - have been travelling with limited internet...

@ tuohtroc - the cost covers everything. You don't have to do a thing apart from turning up on your bike with the required visa. Navo is an experienced travel company and will complete the bureaucracy on our behalf. But I have to say that this is starting to look like a non-starter as not enough people interested.

@ Dave Seager-Thomas - Navo will not allow the guide to take a bike, has to be 4x4 so another huge expense! Thanks for the link to Discover 4x4 - I may well consider this given the lack of interest in this proposed route.

@ Vette - have sent you PM. How are your plans progressing?

@ travel4four - yes, the situation in Tibet is extremely sensitive and little wonder China wants to restrict entry, which makes it even more important to travel there! We shall persevere!


tuohtroc 9 Feb 2013 19:38

Thanks for your answer anyway!
There has been a change in my plans as well, I will probably not leave europe before decembre 2013. But plans can change, so please keep me informed if you do find more people! I would also love to see Tibet...

Markoja 20 Feb 2013 21:08


Originally Posted by Charlemagne (Post 406001)
Happy New Year All,

Looking for a small group of 4 riders plus 1 4x4 (willing to let the Chinese guide travel with them :) ).

Planning to enter China from Kyrgyzstan (Torugart pass) on 20 Aug 2013, then to Kashgar and Kargilik, pick up the G219 all the way down to Lhatse in Tibet. Exit China at border with Nepal at Zhangmu. Would consider including Lhasa if sufficient interest.

Duration: 25 days

Distance: approx. 2,800 kms

Camping: as much as possible

Chinese Tour Company: NAVO

Cost: approx. GBP 1,022 (for group of 6: 5 riders plus 1 4x4)

Hi there,

My wife and I were planning to ride from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan in August 2013 and are starting to look at booking the china leg of our trip. We would be definately interested in joining this group to Nepal as tibet/Nepal sounds more appealing to us than Pakistan due to the security issues. We are travelling 2 up on one bike. How likely is trip to go ahead? How many people to you have so far?


imraali 24 Feb 2013 22:44

Details From NAVO
Hi Charles -

I emailed you the updated details from my end. Do reply when you get a chance and let me know your thoughts!

This year this route seems more difficult to do than last year!


leonardo 25 Feb 2013 13:05

Hi Charles,

Sounds like an interesting trip surely worth considering.
I suppose some further preparation is required.
What bike do you take how?

Do you think this trip will happen or is time getting short?
Would like to get some additional info.


Fearless 3 Mar 2013 11:05

Tibet Sept 2013
Hi all

We planning Tibet in Sept 2013, is anyone going is the trip full or is there room for one more.
We do have a spare seat for the guide if this is still required.

Travelling in a 4X4 truck.

Fearless (robert)
Around the World by 4WD

imraali 5 Mar 2013 03:27

Hi Robert -

Where are you entering into China. the Stans or Nepal?

Is there anyone on motorbikes tagging along with you?


Fearless 7 Mar 2013 12:47


Originally Posted by imraali (Post 414195)
Hi Robert -

Where are you entering into China. the Stans or Nepal?

Is there anyone on motorbikes tagging along with you?


We plan to enter from Kyrgystan around end of Aug/early september, leaving via Nepal
No sofar no motorbikes however possible 1 more truck.

Can contact me on outbush@westnet.com.au

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