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-   -   who wana go to Iran and Pakistan from Turkey? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/who-wana-go-iran-pakistan-605)

sahmeran 4 Nov 2001 13:44

who wana go to Iran and Pakistan from Turkey?
i am from Turkey and planning to have a trip starts here in Turkey and ends in Lahore, in Pakistan. the same way will be the coming back road. anyone thinking of travelling to (at least)Iran in Turkey? please inform me.
bye for now..


Graeme 7 Nov 2001 19:24

Hi Sahmeran,

You do not say when you want to travel. I am in Bursa right now waiting for an Ýranian visa which (fingers crossed) will be available from Ankara early next week. But I still intend to ride from here to Ýndia. As soon as I get the visa then I head to Ýran. I have been north south east & west in your beautiful country already.


Goose 21 Dec 2001 21:15


We'll be doing that route around April/May time if you'll be around then.

Goose www.gooseontheloose.com

[This message has been edited by Goose (edited 21 December 2001).]

Spud 21 Dec 2001 21:52

I too will be heading that way. End of April/beginning of May. I shall head towards India and see which way I can go when the time comes.. with the situation over there changing each day.. who knows. Be great to hook up with others as I shall be alone.

annouk 24 Mar 2002 16:41


We are doing the opposite route, from China to Italy, but would like to meet with you if timing matches.

Here's a draft of our schedule:
April: China
Mid-May to beginning June: Pakistan
June-July: Iran
July: Turkey
August: Greece and Italy.

If anyone is passing through these countries during those times, let us know, we would be happy to meet and talk.

Annouk & sqm

Spud 25 Mar 2002 13:46

Be glad to meet up. Just waiting for my Iranian visa now so keep in touch and we could probably meet around mid May in Pakistan by the looks of it.

arkiboys 13 Aug 2008 10:53

trip to Iran
I see you did the trip to Iran about six years ago.
We will be driving to Iran soon.
How was driving through Turkey?

andypettitt62 15 Aug 2008 08:22

Im ın Turkey now just waıtıng to collect my Iran vısa before headıng over the border.Havıng done 5000ks ın Turkey over the last 2 weeks the answer to your questıon about Turkısh drıvıng ıs 'terrıble'.But the standard of drıvıng gets progressıvely worse as you leave northwestern Europe and head south and east.The worst so far was Albanıan where they all seem to have a death wısh,and there are countless lıttle plaques and crosses along the roads to show how many have dıed.Turkey ıs the usual over takıng on blınd corners,followıng 2ınches from you taıl lıght,no gıvıng way or courtesy to other drıvers,pullıng out wıth out lookıng etc you fınd throughout southern and eastern Europe.You learn to become more offensıve and assertıve ın you rıdıng\drıvıng down thıs part of the world

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