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-   -   Zurich to Cape Town Starting Nov. 2011 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/zurich-cape-town-starting-nov-52414)

Maatle 31 Aug 2010 15:27

Zurich to Cape Town Starting Nov. 2011
Hello everybody
I am planning a trip from Zurich to Cape Town starting in Nov. 2011. Ok, I know it's still a long time but I wanted to know whether there is anybody else planning such a trip for the same time.

My route would lead over Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botwana or Zimbabwe to South Africa.

I would enjoy company on my trip.


toeff-tombel 31 Aug 2010 19:08

Hello Maatle

All the best for your trip! If you near bern sometimes please let me know. It would be nice to meet a HU member. :clap:


theopenroad 11 Sep 2010 10:14

hey maatle

i am considering such a trip myself starting late in 2011! its just an idea for now and still a long way off but i like the idea of riding with someone rather than by myself. PM me a little more info i.e. what stage of planning, how long the trip will be e.t.c.


Maatle 24 Sep 2010 10:41

The stage of my planning is still low. I have read a few books about this trip and am now considering what bike I should buy for this adventure (my Harley would probably not make it). Probably an Africa Twin.

I think the most considerable part of the route is the nubian desert in Sudan (around 700 km pists of deep sand). I read that they are building a road there but don't know how far the building has progressed yet.

I would like to start in November 2011 and arrive in Capetown end of April 2012.

Cheers for the moment!


lorry 27 Sep 2010 16:59

hi marc

im planning a trip with a similar route next year, just about to buy an xt660 tenere which should do the job although i have read you can now do the whole route by tarmac,however i hope thats wrong. i am desperate for somone to ride with and have been looking for a while. was planning to leave in october but im easy!



alexhall 27 Sep 2010 17:13

If You come to Cape town must visit the Destination....
Hey Guys.... If You come to Cape Town must visit the Destination Namely Oberammergau Passion Play... and take an experience of pleasureful life..

Oberammergau Passion Play

The Oberammergau Passion Play is a play that has been performed by the residents of Oberammergau since the year 1634. The inhabitants of this small Bavarian Village vowed that if they would be spared from the effects of the bubonic plague, that they would perform a play depicting the life of Jesus. It is performed only once every ten years, for the course of the summer, and the 2000 performers taking part in the play are all required to be residents of the village.

whats on in Melbounre

Desert Driver 28 Sep 2010 15:56

i am on a similar trip but going down the west coast of africa leaving the canaries late November/early December, shame you are not on this side of Africa otherwsie we could join up. I am using a defender 110 and going to.

Morocco, Mauretania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Benin. Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, DRC, Angola and Namibia or at least thats the plan

harri1969 4 Oct 2010 12:38

Ich habe das gleiche vor !
Hallo Maatle,

da ich gesehen habe dass du aus der Schweiz bist kann ich ja in Deutsch schreiben. Ich habe das gleiche vor wie du und suche auch jemanden der mitfährt. Ich bin männlich 41 und kaufe mir demnächst eine 1200 er Adventure von den Bayern :-)

Wäre super wenn du mir retourschreiben würdest meine E Mail adresse:


grüsse aus Innsbruck/Tirol


Maatle 25 Oct 2010 13:04

Hi Lorry
I just bought a 10-year old Africa Twin but - as my offroad experience is nil - I would not mind if there is not too much deep sand. Good gravel road or hard piste is ok. I think I will visit an offroad/enduro course this summer;-)
How far are your preparations yet?



Originally Posted by lorry (Post 306972)
hi marc

im planning a trip with a similar route next year, just about to buy an xt660 tenere which should do the job although i have read you can now do the whole route by tarmac,however i hope thats wrong. i am desperate for somone to ride with and have been looking for a while. was planning to leave in october but im easy!



uk_vette 25 Oct 2010 22:02

Africa Twin :clap:

Great Choice


lorry 14 Nov 2010 16:03


great to hear back from you. since my last post i have purchased the tenere and now getting used to the mechanics of it, ive got all info needed for vaccinations and will be getting them early next year, i now have a very good understanding of the possible routes, currently trying to get relevant paperwork sorted out, chasing likely sponsors and working my arse off to fund the trip so all going well.
i did motorcross for several years so not bothered about off roading but a course would be a good idea! dont know how keen you would be but i was planning to cross the salt pans in botswana
i was going to get a ferry over to egypt from either venice or athens but if i was with someone i would happily go another route. turkey?
would like to here how plannings going your end!

speak soon man

mimawag 15 Nov 2010 15:35

Oslo - South Africa Nov 2011
Anyone interested in coming along?
Thinking about leaving in the same direction and date. I am 42 years and will drive my r80gs from Oslo to South Africa. Didin't plan anything yet but there are many long winternights during the next months to do that.
I am interested in camping where its possible and not too interested in spending money for expensive hotels. Plan to spent some time in Malawi where I worked for 6 months last year.

I have travelled a lot, have limited experience doing it by motorbike but am optimistic :-) Important to have space for å bottle of wine among all the tools and spare parts and of course the towel.

Would be interesting to get information from other people what amount of money they spent on a 5 month trip in Africa.

xcdecky 16 Nov 2010 15:25


Originally Posted by Maatle (Post 303691)
Hello everybody
I am planning a trip from Zurich to Cape Town starting in Nov. 2011. Ok, I know it's still a long time but I wanted to know whether there is anybody else planning such a trip for the same time.

My route would lead over Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botwana or Zimbabwe to South Africa.

I would enjoy company on my trip.


Hi Maatle

I am planing to leave Ireland at the start of October and ride down as far as Greece and on to Egypt,but then I turn west for Libya,Tunisia,Algeria before catching a ferry back to Europe and heading for home.

Let me know of your plans and departure dates and we might be able to ride together for a small part of our journeys.


Maatle 24 Jan 2011 12:14

Botswana is on my itinerary as well and salt flats sounds well. I am open for this.


Originally Posted by lorry (Post 312549)

great to hear back from you. since my last post i have purchased the tenere and now getting used to the mechanics of it, ive got all info needed for vaccinations and will be getting them early next year, i now have a very good understanding of the possible routes, currently trying to get relevant paperwork sorted out, chasing likely sponsors and working my arse off to fund the trip so all going well.
i did motorcross for several years so not bothered about off roading but a course would be a good idea! dont know how keen you would be but i was planning to cross the salt pans in botswana
i was going to get a ferry over to egypt from either venice or athens but if i was with someone i would happily go another route. turkey?
would like to here how plannings going your end!

speak soon man

Maatle 24 Jan 2011 12:18

Hi Decky
I will start 1.11.2011 here in Zurich and then head probably south to Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, etc. to Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. I plan to stay a week or two in Jordan to meet a friend an visit Petra etc.



Originally Posted by xcdecky (Post 312804)
Hi Maatle

I am planing to leave Ireland at the start of October and ride down as far as Greece and on to Egypt,but then I turn west for Libya,Tunisia,Algeria before catching a ferry back to Europe and heading for home.

Let me know of your plans and departure dates and we might be able to ride together for a small part of our journeys.


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