Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   bike clearance procedures, JHB South africa (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/bike-clearance-procedures-jhb-south-55232)

Yahoo 31 Jan 2011 11:03

bike clearance procedures, JHB South africa
Yo guys

We're landing in Johannesburg with the bikes at the start of may and I'm gathering as much info as possible.

Has anybody got any info regarding the procedures of getting two UK reg bikes (and owners) through customs and out of the airport? We will have carnets.

We had a bit of a mare getting them into Oz which probably could've been avoided with a bit of pre-planning, so this is me learning from my mistakes.

My mom would be proud...

pare.raviraj 4 Feb 2011 02:36


Originally Posted by Yahoo (Post 322074)
Yo guys

We're landing in Johannesburg with the bikes at the start of may and I'm gathering as much info as possible.

Has anybody got any info regarding the procedures of getting two UK reg bikes (and owners) through customs and out of the airport? We will have carnets.

We had a bit of a mare getting them into Oz which probably could've been avoided with a bit of pre-planning, so this is me learning from my mistakes.

My mom would be proud...

Hello Yahoo,
I am planning to air freight to Durban/JHB. But, i have never taken the bike on carnet before. As of now i am riding on a lot of Ifs and buts to make it.
Meanwhile , good luck to you guys. I will post as soon as I find anythg useful.

Yahoo 4 Feb 2011 03:52

Cheers bud!

A lot of good luck to you too and if I cross over I'll also post my findings. It can only be easier than Oz...

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