Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Can you get medical insurance in countries the FO says don't (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/can-you-get-medical-insurance-3995)

nick_horley 24 Feb 2004 21:48

Can you get medical insurance in countries the FO says don't
Every medical/travel policy I've looked at excludes countries that the Foreign Office advises against travel to. But I want to go to Algeria - the FO says don't go to desert areas or the South East - no mention of the North where all the people who want to cut your throat live!

nobby 25 Feb 2004 03:59

try worldwide travel insurance in paddock wood kent england they have insured me for most thing trans atlantic tall ships races,helicoper rescue in the himalayas motorcycling here there and everwere
cheers chris

nobby 25 Feb 2004 04:07

website as follows
policy document
take care chris

nick_horley 3 Mar 2004 21:27

Thanks Nobby. Their policy certainly looks good - I especially like the bit that says they will cover you in countries that the FO says you shouldn't go to, so long as your claim isn't caused by the reason why the FO is giving the advice. I haven't come across this in any other policy and it sounds like just what I need - in my case it would cover me throughout Algeria, but claims resulting from terrorism would be excluded. This seems very reasonable and I wish other insurers would take the same attitude.

So I contacted Worldwide and after a week of deliberation they said they wouldn't cover me at all for solo motorcycle travel in the Sahara, even though I said I would stick to mapped pistes. They say it's just too great a risk. Maybe they are right! I suppose the chance of breaking a collarbone or a rib and then needing an evacuation are really quite high compared to the other risks they insure against.

So it looks like the best cover I can get is with Navigator, who are OK with the solo motorcycling in the desert, but won't allow any claims at all from countries that the FO advises against travelling to.

niceguynik 2 Dec 2004 22:48

I'm not entirely convinced by Worldwide's wording.
Anyone know if there are any insurance companies that definitely cover you (medical and baggage) for FCO blacklisted countries?

niceguynik 9 Dec 2004 03:28

FYI This was worldwide's advice to me:

Thank you for your enquiry. There are two areas within the Foreign office list, the first that states that they advise against all travel to and the second where they advise against all but essential travel. If you are travelling in areas on the first part of the list we would not be able to offer any cover for those areas. If however you are travelling in areas in the second part of the list we would be able to offer cover but this would exclude any claims connected to the reason that this appears on the list. In most cases this would be connected to terrorism.

So that doesn't help me if I have an upset stomach in an area they advise against all travel to.

Any more suggestions?


SKILLO 9 Dec 2004 07:20


Try looking at http://www.worldnomads.com.au/

I haven't tried them, so cannot endorse them from first hand experience, but they seem to offer cover in all countries as long as its not related to the reason for that country being listed. They give an example of cover for Iraq as long as not related to war or terrorism. Check it out, it may be what you are looking for.


Tim Cullis 19 Jan 2005 01:18

The Foreign Office site at http://www.fco.gov.uk/ has effectively four lists covering
- don't go anywhere in these countries (currently Ivory Coast and Somalia)
- don't go to specific areas in these countries
- advise against going anywhere in these countries (Central African Rep, Haiti, Iraq)
- advise against going to specific areas in these countries.

It's only the first and third groups that you wouldn't be covered for. India, for example, is in the second list, but that's only for some areas.


[This message has been edited by Zmeagol (edited 18 January 2005).]

niceguynik 11 Feb 2005 03:20

OK for the record, I phoned a bunch of companies, and then got them to confirm in writing that they cover FCO blacklisted countries (as long as your medical problem isn't related to the reason for the country being on the FCO list).

American Express,
AXA PPP Healthcare,
Navigator Insurance

All would cover me on this basis.

...and of course the trip passed without incident. Typical!


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