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Ryberg 26 Jan 2004 13:41

Carnet assistance please!!!
I have been in contact with the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. They issue ATA-Carnet in Sweden. They say that I dont need any carnet for travelling from europe to South East Asia. Is this true? They only issue carnet for professional use, trade fairs etc. Please enlighten me someone!!

RACPG 26 Jan 2004 15:18


"ATA carnets" are issued by Chamber of Commerce worldwide & required for temporary importation of specialist equipment,goods, etc (& in certain cases for movement of some vehicles in Europe).

I can confirm you will require a "carnet de passage en douane" for your bike outside Europe - background information on the document is available on the HU website.

Carnets are issued in Sweden by the 2 motoring clubs -
Motormannens Riksforbund (M). Telephone (46 8)690 38 00 ask for Beatrice Magnusson.
Kungl Automobil Klubben (KAK). Telephone (46 8)678 00 55

Paul Gowen
Travel Research
RAC Bristol

Margus 26 Jan 2004 15:18

Strange. I get the same information while surfing in my country's car-club web. I live in your neighbour country Estonia.

If everybody, who've entered those countries say it requires the carnet, then i tend not to believe we northern-europeans don't need it.

I'm thinking getting the Carnet from German ADAC when the time comes.


Ryberg 26 Jan 2004 16:33

Thanks guys!! Beatrice was very helpful. My mistake actually. There is a big difference between ATA-Carnet and Carnet Douane de Passage. I did not realize this. But hey man, it is horrible lot of money for the deposition. Around 10.000 Euros!! Thats the enitre budget almost. Is there any other way to solve this. Anyone??

llanelli 26 Jan 2004 16:41


Instead of leaving a deposit, (usually up to 400% of bikes value) you can take out an insurance policy instead. However, this is NOT refundable but covers the issueing association against you not taking your bike out of a country.This is a cheaper option.

harvey 26 Jan 2004 19:37

There's another much cheaper alternative. We got 'bank guarantees' from our banks which are basically unsecured loans. They cost about £50-75 each in the UK and you don't need any collateral to secure the loan. If you default on the carnet the bank will pay the money and open a loan for you. The down side is that you don't know what interest rate they are going to charge, so it could be expensive, but it's a better gamble than paying for insurance in my book. If you have a good relationship with your bank you should get one.
If you want to know more just email us.

no pipe, no slippers

Ryberg 26 Jan 2004 19:42

Can someone tell me how far outside europe you can travel without a carnet. What countires goes outside the carnet demand.

harvey 6 Feb 2004 19:33

You will be able to get into Turkey without a carnet, but if you want to head further east you'll need one - Iran, Pakistan and India all require a carnet. If you head south of Turkey, you can get into Syria and Jordan without a carnet.
Carnet issuers like ADAC should be able to give you a list of countries which require carnets.

no pipe, no slippers

[This message has been edited by harvey (edited 06 February 2004).]

Goetz 9 Feb 2004 23:06

Hi Ryberg
coming from the neck of the woods (Berlin), I was chasing down that question as well.
I went personally to the ADAC in Berlin. Best thing I could do. And I inquired about all countries of the world.
First: there is no database at the ADAC. It took me 2 hours to go thru a folder with a guy from the ADAC. And the countries I was looking for did not show up in that specific folder (I said neck of the woods in the beginning). But I managed to get the number of the specific person at headquarters in Munich.
I will answer your question "Can someone tell me how far outside europe you can travel without a carnet" into the eastern direction, eg Asia, not SE Asia

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan = no
Azeraidjan, Georgia, Armenia = no
Iran = yes
Pakistan = yes
India = yes
Bangla (go for a) Dash = yes
Nepal = yes
Sri Lanka = yes
China = yes
Mongolia = no
SE Asia was not in that folder.
And I did´nt ask for it, heading for C Asia.

Those were the answers 24.11.03 ADAC

btw: the dearest carnet for a motorbike at ADAC (being non-member and foreigner with foreign licence plate ) is a fee of 395€ and a deposit of 5.000€ for a year.
5.000€, if your bike is worth up to 7.500€. Or are all your bolts out of gold? Then yu gotta pay a wee bit more.

If U got more questions, just ask


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