Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Trip Paperwork (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/)
-   -   Carnet de Passage for vehicle younger than 5 years old (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/carnet-de-passage-vehicle-younger-85609)

R_Dongel 15 Feb 2016 15:27

Carnet de Passage for vehicle younger than 5 years old
Hello everybody,
I've been searching the site but couldnt find a definitive answer. I've heard that a Carnet de Passage isn't necessary for vehicles younger than 5 years. Is this true?

I'm asking this question to the ADAC as well so I'll post an update if I know but if you guys have any information about this it would be appreciated as well :)

Mark hadley 15 Feb 2016 20:25

I've followed all the advice about carnets on the forums -never heard that before. It does not really make sense as the whole point is so that they collect tax on imports.

mark manley 15 Feb 2016 20:41

There might be exceptions but if there are I have never heard of them so no it is not true.

R_Dongel 16 Feb 2016 14:08

Okay thanks for the replies. I'll still check with the ADAC and see if I can get this confirmed.

Btw I thought the reasoning behind this was that the CDP was to stop old vehicles flooding the country. That would be why it's not mandatory for a vehicle youngerr then 5 years.

Donmanolo 16 Feb 2016 15:20

Ehm....no, that's not what it's for. Where are you heading to by the way ?

Sent from my Lenovo B6000-H using Tapatalk

Mark hadley 16 Feb 2016 23:41


Originally Posted by R_Dongel (Post 530652)
Btw I thought the reasoning behind this was that the CDP was to stop old vehicles flooding the country. That would be why it's not mandatory for a vehicle youngerr then 5 years.

Some countries have rules like that for imports. I have not heard of carnets being used for that purpose.

R_Dongel 24 Feb 2016 08:03

Got respons from the ADAC. They confirm your replies that you still need the CDP even when the vehicle is younger then 5 years. Maybe it would be possible to get the bike across the borders withouth the CDP but I reckon you need some 'lubricant' to do that ;)
so were not taking any chances and are getting the CDP.

IRT Donmanolo, we're heading to Ghana through Marocco, Mauritania, Senegal , Guinnee and Ivorycoast (if they reopen the border like they say).

A quick other question, what are peoples experiences with delivery time on the CDP from the ADAC? 4-5 weeks is this correct? Any cases where it took (much) longer? Thanks!

mark manley 24 Feb 2016 11:08


Originally Posted by R_Dongel (Post 531562)
A quick other question, what are peoples experiences with delivery time on the CDP from the ADAC? 4-5 weeks is this correct? Any cases where it took (much) longer? Thanks!

To where?

Dave The Hat 24 Feb 2016 20:37

Hi guys,

I think you might be referring to the 5 year rule in Senegal (which changed to 8 years a few years back).

Basically, if your vehicle is less than 8 years old you can take it through Senegal without a CDP. If older than 8 years, they stipulate you need a CDP.

If you don't have a CDP, then you will have a very hard time and an emptier wallet after negotiating a pass avant with the crooked douane.

Dave The Hat

R_Dongel 25 Feb 2016 12:46

Thanks Dave, I think that might be the case. We must've misinterpreted it.

We live in the Netherlands. And by delivery time I didn't mean the actual delivery time but more the 'processing' time by the ADAC :)

divelandy 28 Feb 2016 10:19

I received my carnet within a week from the ADAC.

R_Dongel 7 Mar 2016 11:42

ADAC told us it depends on the season. In the summer waiting times increase but right now it's approx. 2-3 weeks.

Overland Tonka 8 Mar 2016 12:42


Originally Posted by R_Dongel (Post 532583)
ADAC told us it depends on the season. In the summer waiting times increase but right now it's approx. 2-3 weeks.

I sent my application via DHL from Bamako Mali and received my CDP in Bamako all in 5 days!!!

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