Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Neva Ierace 24 Jan 2004 00:46

carnet dilema
The freight company that are flying my bike out of Sydney to Delhi next week are insisting that the carnet must go with the bike and not with me. The bike is going to be cleared by their office in Delhi.
Has anyone else come across this problem.

neva williams

beddhist 25 Jan 2004 03:47

I don't think so. If they loose it you loose your deposit and maybe your bike. Ask the AA for assistance.

Salut from Southern France, the bikers' paradise,


Grant Johnson 25 Jan 2004 04:50

Beddhist is right.

Carnet stays with you. Period.

You can show the carnet when you arrive to pick up the bike and get it stamped then.

You need to make sure they do it right if nothing else! It's amazing how many officials have no clue how to do it.

I've NEVER been asked to send the carnet with the bike.

Grant Johnson

Seek, and ye shall find.


One world, Two wheels.

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