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K3nny 4 Nov 2014 07:38

Carnet - intending not to re-import
Hi guys,

Hate to start a new thread on Carnets, but think I've read most of the posts/stickies/pages on HUBB, as well as googled to exhaustion, and still feeling uncertain. I am an AUS citizen, living in AUS for now, own a UK registered bike presently stored in UK, planning to overland from UK back to AUS next year.

1. My understanding is that my practical option for a Carnet in my circumstances is through RAC, under Insurance Indemnity. I infer that this has become the only increasingly expensive option because a lot of vehicles don't end up being re-imported to the UK. But what do I do if I definitely do not intend to re-import to the UK, rather, permanently import my bike in AUS, or if this proves too expensive, have it disposed in AUS? I do not wish to worsen the Carnet attainability situation for everyone, but I don't believe I will be able to practically overland back to AUS without one. Am I wrong in going for a Carnet, knowing I won't be re-importing?

2. I tend to be an Honest Abe, but should I be so forthright when completing the RAC carnet application form? Where it asks if the vehicle will be permanently exported, do I answer yes? Will this effect my eligibility for a carnet through RAC?

3. Just to clarify, if I permanently import the bike to AUS do I get back my 50% of the Indemnity and deposit from discharging the carnet after I have paid the Customs and Duties taxes/fees here in AUS?

4. Alternatively, if I get it disposed in AUS do I get back my 50% of the Indemnity and deposit? What would this require? A letter/certificate of disposal/destruction from a workshop/wrecker, and/or the carnet Certificate of Location signed off by customs/police/transport authority? Does this have to be completed by customs/police/transport authority at my port of entry in AUS, or any authority in AUS?

5. Do I still have to pay Customs and Duties taxes/fees here in AUS if I dispose the bike?

6. Any idea if I can still keep the bike's fuel tank if I go the disposal route? Odd question, I know, but I've got a whole bunch of stickers all over the tank from my travels, so I'd love to hold onto it as a keepsake.

Thanks in advance,

Andrew White 4 Nov 2014 12:07

I did something similar but it was a mission.

I entered Aus with UK reg car, expired tax sticker (ran out whilst overlanding, and SORN'd the vehicle. This was a nightmare here as they wouldn't temp reg the vehicle without a valid UK Tax sticker.. Anyway)

1. Whilst here, I applied for Vehicle Import Approval. I had to write a cover letter for special consideration under extenuating circumstances. It says that VIA's are given to vehicles not on shore. But I entered under a carnet, and I said my original intention was to export back to UK but not situation changed.

2. Not sure, your call. My inention was to return to UK so thats what I put there.

3. After getting my exemption for a pre-charged equipment licence (this is still confusing, its to do with the AC gas) and with my VIA, customs in Adelaide signed off my carnet. And I got my 50% refunded.

4. I remember something on the back of the carnet about getting approval from the issuing body (RAC) to destroy the vehicle. In my understanding they would need to give permission first, then go to a crusher who will crush your bike and give you a certificate that says the goods have been destroyed.

5. In my opinion this cert of destroyed goods should be sufficient to get your 50% back, but its un-tested.

6. I would say No... Dont think it would comply with the wreckers Cert... Once again this is opinion only.

here is a little thread that I started a couple years ago... maybe something useful


K3nny 5 Nov 2014 06:58

Andrew, thanks, good read and well done on getting your Delica imported.

Fortunately, looks like I qualify with the requirements for the Personal Import option, which should make getting a VIA easier. I will also ensure to get my carnet and mot/rego done just before I leave UK, giving me atleast 3mth breathing room from my intended arrival back in AUS to get the bike imported/destroyed.

The impression I'm forming so far is that I will be liable to pay stamp duty and gst here in AUS, regardless of whether I end up importing or disposing of the bike. If, as your thread suggests, that is 24% of the 'carnet value', I can live with that; she's a bit of a clunker, 800GBP on purchase, probably 500-600 now (according to RAC though, min value for calculating Indemnity amount is 1000GBP). The decision to import or dispose will then depend on how much it will cost to get the bike through compliancing. Being essentially a stock Transalp (or atleast, very easy to return to stock), i wouldn't imagine that it would take much to get to ADR standards, but hey, who knows...

All this in mind, it seems to me that once I pay the duty and gst in AUS I have nullified the risk to RAC, so they should give me a return on my carnet; I assume I'd have to send RAC evidence of the VIA, payment of duty and gst and carnet certificate of location to discharge the carnet.

I almost feel like sending an email anonymously to RAC (even though I dont think I'm doing anything wrong) laying out the facts and see what they say.

Andrew White 12 Nov 2014 10:54

Yeh the stamp duty thing on a destroyed vehicle I never had to test... But I cant see how... As stamp duty is required to import a car, your not importing but you would have sought authorisation to properly destroy the vehicle... i only paid stamp duty at time of rego, after compliance.

You would the VIA, receipt of stamp duty/ gst etc. to get the carnet signed off in Australia... I cant exactly recall but i think i just sent the carnet back... all they care is that it has been signed out of the last country and therefore like you said they are not liable.

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