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Cheap Carnet de Passage ! ! !
Hai boys and girls,
This Carnet can be very expensive, but... hahaha... good news, it can also be more avordable. I got this from a dutch site, but it goes for at least anyone in europe, and maybe abroad. Read it with care: If you can't read german, give me a mail and I'll give you the esentials. Maarten From: dagmar.neubert@zentrale.adac.de Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 09:44:48 +0200 the ADAC may issue a Carnet de Passages even for vehicles registered abroad and persons, residing in another country in Germany. The guarantee which has to be deposited with the aDAC varies according to the country you like to visit as well as to the value of the car. Do you understand a little German, so that we may mail our "Gebührentabelle" to you. Anyway we will send all application form to you by post. Best regards Dagmar Neubert +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gebührentabelle für Carnet de Passages Ausstellung von Grenzdokumenten für Motorräder, Personenfahrzeuge, Wohnmobile, Omnibusse, Wasserfahrzeuge, Lastkraftwagen, Anhänger aller Art. . Dokumentgebühren Mitglied Nichtmitglied Carnet de Passages *) DM 250,- DM 400,- *) Bei Fahrzeugen mit AUSFUHRKENNZEICHEN oder AUSLÄNDISCHEM KENNZEICHEN wird zusätzlich eine Sonderprämie in Höhe von DM 300, -erhoben. . Bürgschaften Pro Carnet de Passages ist eine Bürgschaft zu stellen. Die Bürgschaft kann durch Hinterlegung des Betrages (Sicherheitsleistung) beim ADAC oder als Bankbürgschaft erfolgen. . Bürgschaftshöhe . . bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 30.000,- = DM 3.000,- bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 50.000,- = DM 5.000,- bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 100.000,- = DM 10.000,- bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 150.000,- = DM 15.000,- bei einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges über DM 150.000,- = Anfrage beim ADAC . Carnet de Passages mit Gültigkeit für Ägypten, Indien, Iran, Pakistan und Südafrika sowie für Personen mit Wohnsitz im Ausland (unabhängig von der Staatsangehörigkeit) bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 30.000,- = DM 6.000,- bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 50.000,- = DM 10.000,- bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 100.000,- = DM 20.000,- bis zu einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges von DM 150.000,- = DM 30.000,- bei einem Zeitwert des Fahrzeuges über DM 150.000,- = Anfrage beim ADAC . Versandkosten Wird das Carnet nicht persönlich abgeholt, erfolgt der Versand per Einschreiben. Das Porto hierfür beträgt DM 8,- innerhalb der EU-Länder, DM 20,- in andere Länder. Wird der Versand ins außereuropäische Ausland per DHL-Kurierdienst gewünscht, sind die Gebühren in der ADAC-Zentrale München zu erfragen und werden zusätzlich in Rechnung gestellt. Erfolgt die Carnetausstellung in der Zentrale/München, kann der Betrag der Sicherheitsleistung so-wie die Dokument- und Versandgebühren auf das Konto, Nr. 599 511 800, BLZ 700 100 80, Postbank München überwiesen werden. Eine Kopie des von der Bank bestätigten Überweisungs-trägers muß zusammen mit den Antragsunterlagen eingesandt werden. Wenn das Carnet de Passages in einer ADAC Geschäftsstelle ausgestellt wird, können Sie die Sicherheitsleistung und die Dokumentgebühren vor Ort bar einzahlen. . Wichtig Wird der Betrag der Sicherheitsleistung von einem anderen, als vom Dokumentinhaber hinterlegt, müssen Sie uns vor der Ausstellung des Carnet de Passages den berechtigten Geldempfänger mit der kompletten Anschrift mitteilen. Bei Vorlage einer Bankbürgschaft darf nur das ADAC Formular „Bank-Bürgschaftserklärung", erhältlich bei den ADAC Regionalclubs sowie in der Zentrale, bestätigt von einer deutschen Bank verwendet werden. Das Original ist mit den Antragsunterlagen einzureichen. . Die Rückzahlung der Sicherheitsleistung erfolgt per Verrechnungsscheck. Die Freigabe der Bankbürgschaft erfolgt direkt an das ausstellende Bankinstitut. Die Durchführung wird nur von der ADAC Zentrale, Grenzverkehr & Sportschiffahrt , Am Westpark 8, 81373 München vorgenommen. |
Since I had a few question's to translate the german, here is a standaard-calculation on the cost. The amounts are in german-marks. The Carnet itself costs Dm 250,= if you are a member and Dm 400,= if you are not a member. I don't know what a membership cost's, but probable around Dm 100,= a year, so you could safe about Dm 50,= there (just a wild guess). If the registration (licence) if foreign, there is a extra charge of Dm 300,=. Then there is the matter of garantie-deposit and that is where it becomes intresting. For a bike (or car) worth less than Dm 30.000,= (and most are!) the garantie-deposit is only Dm 3.000,=. If you want to enter: Egypt. India, Iran, Pakistan or South Africa the garantie-deposit is Dm 6.000,=. For sending the papers in the EU the cost is Dm 8,=, outside the EU (but inside europe) it is Dm 20,= and outside europe it is DHL-standaard cost. So, allthough the Carnet itself is rather expensife (Dm 700,=), the deposite is really low. The usuall amount is 300 % of the bike's value (around Dm 25.000,= ! ! !) If there are any questions, just drop a line. Maarten |
Is this carnet de passage valid for an unlimited nr of entries? THe ones you can get here in Norway come in two "sizes"- 5 and 25 entries. The latter costs twice as much as the former.
I don't understand German very well, but doesnt the text say something about having to deposit 6000DEM if you live outside of Germany? DOes this mean that a carnet issued to a person living outside Germany automatically gets a carnet de passage that is valid for Egypt etc? Thanx [This message has been edited by john-l (edited 05 November 2001).] |
Yep, You are right. I have overlooked this in the translation. Sorry.
When you live outside of germany (wether your german or not) you automaticly have to take the higher deposit-tabel. Maarten |
Since September 17th both AA and RAC in UK have decided, or rather been told by Davidson, the underwriter, not to issue Carnet for Egypt at all. It was previously 500% deposit anyway!! Do you know if the German folk will issue for any vehicle i.e. Land Rover registered in UK, and if they will still do Egypt, as your initial post was in August, before all this mayhem started happening? |
Hai Jasper,
Good news! I did a quick check with the ADAC and they still provide the carnet for egypte. The deposit is Dm 6000,= and after 1 januari will be 3000 euro. You can contact them at WWW.ADAC.DE Maarten [This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 03 January 2003).] |
Had this reply form Bridget Werner when I asked about a ADAC carnet for a UK vehicle. I think it could be a problem getting the RAC or the AA to say they have no objection... but I have not tried yet:
Good morning Mike, you are right - we do issue the carnet de passage also for foreign registered vehicles and for applicants living outside Germany, but we need some written statement that your national automobile club does not have any objections to issueing the carnet for British nationals living in Great Britain. Besides that you should be able to arrange payment of the fees and of the deposit. The deposit can either be given by a bank guarantee (then the bank has to be situated in Germany) or by remittance to our account or in cash - please see the following paper. Every carnet has 25 pages. Best regards, Brigitte Werner UPDATE from Brigitte: "we no longer issue the carnet de passages for people living outside Germany and for vehicles not registered in Germany. There were too many problems with customs formalities and refunding the guarantee." [This message has been edited by Grant Johnson (edited 03 January 2003).] |
I simply got someone in the AA to write an email to the ADAC. After all, it would have made sense to go with the AA (being a member) but they simply couldn't provide a carnet for Pakistan. An issue to do with underwriters I believe.
I had no problem getting the email. ps. Brigitte is very helpful and prompt. [This message has been edited by Spud (edited 26 February 2002).] |
I also had the RAC write a letter. Sue Collins did it and there was no problem at all getting it. After all I would rather get my Carnet in UK but if not then ADAC is great. Transfer money to their account and they send Carnet to your home.
Jasper www.fugroseastar.com www.expeditionjasanne.co.uk |
The Dutch AA (ANWB) did change their deposit-system last March. Before March we had to pay a deposit of over 30.000 EURO(!!!) for whole Africa (incl. Egypt), but now we have 'only' a deposit of 4.000 EURO!
This is because the ANWB uses the day-value of a vehicle instead of the new-value of the vehicle. We also tried the ADAC. The ADAC was more expensive this time (Over 10.000 EURO) |
Just thought I'd add this. I got my Carnet in Germany from the ADAC for 2,500 DM as I was resident there.
In hindsight the only place I needed it was bring the bike off the boat into Buenos Aires. Everywhere else in South and Central America it wasn't needed. Fairly big investment considering it's low usefulness. Thank god I'll get the money back ! In Costa Rica for example, even though the country is listed on the back of the Carnet, the border guys weren't even interested... Chow Jeremy [This message has been edited by Jeremy Andrews (edited 09 July 2002).] |
Did you say the only place you needed a Carnet was getting off the boat in Argentian? I didn't think you needed one until you got north of Peru. Am I wrong? Thanks Chris |
As I understand it the Carnet is only nesecary in Equador. The other south American countries do not "enforce" it. Oficially the SA continent has an other system called a "libreta" witch is cheaper then a carnet. But... I think you can only get it in Venezuela. If you don't plan to fly in or out Equador, you don't need either one. On the other hand, it can make crossing a lot easier. Maarten ------------------ - www.maartensworld.tmfweb.nl - |
My branch of the HSBC plc setup a £12500 bank guarantee for £37.50. The NatWest would do the same if I had a current account with them. It took a little pressure i.e. 'give me a guarantee or I move my account to someone who will', but little hassle in the end. So, total cost of carnet for my £2500 BMW is £141.50 including all fees to the RAC. Cheers ------------------ Sean |
Hi Chris -
I'm presently in Honduras, just about to cross into Guatemala. Until now, the only place I needed it was off the boat in Buenos Aires. ( I went via Peru - Brasil - Venezuela ) As for those countries between here and Alaska, we'll have to wait and see. Maarten, I know a swiss guy who entered Equador and then flew his bike to Panama, without having a Carnet. Some countries who are not listed on the Carnet will accept it, as it saves them time writing out the details. Others, who are listed on the Carnet, told me the only document worth it's weight was the temporary vehicle importation they do. ( Like Costa Rica). It's not that they don't enforce the Carnet, they either don't know what it is, or tell you it's worthless as far as they are concerned... Chow Jeremy |
Re Carnets in south, central, and north america. I shipped my bike to Buenos Aires in January, and have since ridden through Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nigaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States. I did NOT have a carnet de passage. My bike was registered in Australia, passport was from Ireland, and license from the US. The only bike doc I had was an expired registration (which no-one seemed to notice). I was very seldom asked for a carnet; and always got through the borders without it and without paying further bribes. |
Trying to find out the what kind of money I have to deposit to get a Carnet for India. I,m planning to bring an older (94 or older)Transalp or African Twin. Any ideas anyone?
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