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2foilheads 24 May 2011 23:43

Cheap Mexico Insurance?
Can somebody please tell me if there is a way to get 'affordable' insurance for 30 days or so in Mexico? We really don't want to blow $80 - $100 for (probably useless) liability only insurance. By the way, I've already looked into getting driver's license insurance but I've only found it available annually (about $120).
By the way, I hold a California DL.
I hate this insurance nonsense...

bigalsmith101 25 May 2011 01:47

Where are you plannin on entering?
I've been in Mexico for 50 days, never bought insurance. I entered through Tijuana, and cross via ferry from La Paz to Topolobampo on the mainland.

Never bought insurance. Simply imported my bike into mexico at the ferry terminal.



Mr. Ron 25 May 2011 08:08


Originally Posted by bigalsmith101 (Post 336689)
I've been in Mexico for 50 days, never bought insurance. I entered through Tijuana, and cross via ferry from La Paz to Topolobampo on the mainland.

Never bought insurance. Simply imported my bike into mexico at the ferry terminal.



You can enter Mexico without insurance. In fact, all the times i have traveled through Mexico, i have never been asked for insurance, but only because i didn't have an accident. Now, that being said, if you have an accident in Mexico and the police are called, you will be asked for insurance. Then, because you decided to save a lousy $118, you will go to jail and will have to deal with your problem from within, or if you are really lucky, you can come up with enough money on the spot to bribe the officials and anyone else involved to let you go, which will surely be a lot more than a lousy $118. The choice is yours. BTW, in Mexico, you are guilty until proven innocent, so good luck with that :thumbup1:
My last policy was around $118 for six months, i was there for three. Yah, i know its a drag if your there for a short time, but remember, shit happens. Would you drive in your home country without insurance? How about the SOB that hits you and doesn't have insurance? I make this part of my budget and like gas and oil, don't even think twice about purchasing it, just do it.

Zigeuner53 28 Jul 2011 20:45

AJO insurance
Ajo, Arizona

linky: Copperstate Insurance Agencies, Dependable Mexican Insurance

brclarke 28 Jul 2011 22:41

My understanding (and it could be out of date now) is that insurance is required for the more northern states but not some of the southern states such as Oaxaca or Chiapas.

As stated, for roughly $100 you could be saving yourself a lot of hassles and headaches with the police if you do have a collision with another vehicle. If you are a foreigner just passing through Mexico for a few weeks, I think it's worth the money.

Zigeuner53 28 Jul 2011 22:46

required ?
I live on Mexican border...go to Mexico all the time......insurance is NOT really required anywhere - in other words you get stopped, no problem.....you have wreck, run over someone's kid, whatever....you in deep shit man. No kidding.

Get insurance.

You can drive into Mexico about 40-80 miles depending on state, in my experience, without "importing" car

Get insurance repeat get insurance repeat.....


Sjoerd Bakker 29 Jul 2011 17:57


Originally Posted by 2foilheads (Post 336675)
By the way, I've already looked into getting driver's license insurance but I've only found it available annually (about $120).
By the way, I hold a California DL.
I hate this insurance nonsense...

So foilhead did you eventually wind up buying the DL liability insurance?There are companies which offer DL insurance for less than that, e.g. $85
DL liability insurance for a whole YEAR at that rate is a LOT cheaper than getting the single vehicle nominated policy for a few days or weeks everytime you enter.
And think of it , since you have a California DL ( and live there?) then it means that you will be able to pop over the border INSURED anytime and manytimes during the year on a bike or in a car, use any vehicle you have in your name..A bargain all around

dstehouwer 29 Jul 2011 22:59

we currently have Mexican insurance, only 3rd party liability.
91 USD per bike for 6 months.
www.MexicoInsuranceOnline.com - an International Insurance Group Company

They email al the documentation etc., but only in English. I asked for a Spanish version, and that was in my mailbox a day later.

Zigeuner53 30 Jul 2011 01:52

I think I paid this year 91 dollars for a year liability with AJO.....


maja 30 Jul 2011 16:52

I assume you have tried Sanborn's on line and Mexpro.

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