Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Dual Nationality (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/dual-nationality-34849)

crazymanneil 28 Apr 2008 00:30

Dual Nationality
Forgive me if this was asked before, but did a quick search and can't find anything.

Is having dual nationality (and hence 2 passports) a good/bad/indifferent thing for travelling? Would you if you could, or does it just make things more complex??c?



Frank Warner 28 Apr 2008 04:41

Good for
visas -

Some nationalities don't need them where others do, and some times the costs are different too.

You can apply for two at once - one passport at one consulate while the other is at a different consulate...

Bad for ?
Cost ..
Something else to loose/report.

Simon Kennedy 28 Apr 2008 12:30

The other advantage: if you get into any sort of trouble you have more people to turn to.

I had a good few occasions to switch passports on my travels - take as many passports as yo can.


Walkabout 28 Apr 2008 12:39


Originally Posted by crazymanneil (Post 187044)
Forgive me if this was asked before, but did a quick search and can't find anything.


Scroll to the bottom of this page as it is displayed and you will find other threads that are about the same subject - it has come up quite regularly in recent past: maybe more people are becoming aware of the issue?

crazymanneil 29 Apr 2008 01:38

Thanks for the responses guys. I see the other posts now - should learn how to use the search more effectively I guess :blushing:

Seems to be mixed responses on this one. I'm thinking I will apply for 2 and only use one of them primarily unless I get stuck waiting on visa application or main one gets lost etc.:scooter:



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