Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Europe to Beijing (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/europe-to-beijing-3413)

andre 28 Jun 2000 07:00

Europe to Beijing
Hey Grant,
Moving on to the Paris-Beijing leg of my trip. Clueless about the insurance and carnet issues. AK to Argentina we went without. But I have to imagine this lo longer is the case. The route is France-Italy-Austria-Hungary-Romania-Bulgaria-Greece-Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-India-Nepal-Bagladesh-Myamar?(Is it open)-Thailand-Kampuchea-Vietnam-China-N&S-Vietnam. Where do I definately need or do not a carnet. What about insurance? Can a rubber stamp Blag sheet get me through, or we need to buy local insuranc, again where and where not.

Any help is as always welcome

[This message has been edited by andre (edited 28 June 2000).]

Grant Johnson 28 Jun 2000 22:04

Wheew! Big Subject!

To make it easy on me, yes you need a carnet for several of those countries if not most. Insurance for Europe can be arranged in Europe when you arrive, although best arranged in advance. ADAC in Germany or the AA in UK is probably the best way to go. See the Links page for contacts.

Insurance for the rest can be arranged at the border if they require it, otherwise ignore it, as in most of Latin America.

Myanmar is an unknown at the moment, I haven't heard anything. Thailand is on one day off the next. Worry about it when you get near there.

Keep an eye out here and in the newsletter for up-to-date information as you approach countries.

Grant Johnson

Share the Dream!
at: www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

Chris of Japan 29 Jun 2000 08:32

Don't you mean Vietnam is off and on?
I have never heard of anyone being refused entry to Thailand...
I "did" Vietnam a few years ago. Rode with some Vietnamese bikers who had managed to get ahold of real bikes (400 & 750cc Hondas). I hear though, they got drafted for parades and stuff. Their bikes had little flag holders and sirens. If you want to be a bike (not scooter) rider there, you gotta put up with a lot of BS. Lost contact with them, though. The mail system ain't that great there.

Chris Lockwood
Tokyo, Japan

Grant Johnson 29 Jun 2000 21:20

Oops, good spotting Chris!

I stand corrected, Thailand is fine, Vietnam is problematic. (toooo many countries to keep track of... http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Grant Johnson

Share the Dream!
at: www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

TBR-China 4 Jul 2000 22:04

Mainland China gonna be a difficult task.
Carnets are not know or accepted in PRC, nor will you be allowed to enter with foreign plates. there are just a handfull of real "big-bikes" in China. need more info, see our webpage at: http://www.homestead.com/shanghaibikers
seeya on the road somewhere,
Webmaster & Founder
Red Devils MC Shanghai

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