Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Insurance in Europe (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/insurance-in-europe-95381)

randlejulian 3 Jul 2018 14:45

Insurance in Europe
Hello I have a British registration bike and want to insure it for riding in Europe but I do not lie in Britain. Any good insurance brokers to recomend I can talk to? Thank you

AnTyx 3 Jul 2018 14:53

Do you have British insurance? Any basic liability insurance in any EU country, including Britain, already covers all of the EU. Ask the insurer for a green card, they should print it off for you for free.

Tomkat 3 Jul 2018 15:40

If your bike is British registered there must be a British address on your logbook (V5 document). Can't you use that? Alternatively do you have friends in the UK who would let you use their address? Most UK people use comparison sites these days to find insurance but if you want to contact a broker direct try Adrian Flux or Carole Nash.

dooby 3 Jul 2018 19:11


Originally Posted by randlejulian (Post 586364)
Hello I have a British registration bike and want to insure it for riding in Europe but I do not lie in Britain. Any good insurance brokers to recomend I can talk to? Thank you

Hi J,

here is the link to our thread on the HUBB for one of our third party liability insurance policy services:


We're the only provider that will provide coverage for EU registered motorcycle, ridden by non EU citizen.

Let me know if you need any more info.


TET Croatia linesman (www.transeurotrail.org)

AnTyx 5 Jul 2018 13:43


Originally Posted by Frgich (Post 586382)
We're the only provider that will provide coverage for EU registered motorcycle, ridden by non EU citizen.

Lol, well that's just straight up not true.

dooby 5 Jul 2018 14:46

I'm totally open to be corrected by providing company address, website etc, so we can check them out (I'm curious too).

Thank you sir!


AnTyx 5 Jul 2018 14:57

Just a few weeks ago I helped a couple of Israeli citizens buy, register and insure bikes in Estonia. No problems at all getting insurance at the broker booth at the licensing agency. The insurance company was specifically Gjensidige, but only because they were marginally cheaper than others. 15 euros for a month, including a Green Card.

dooby 10 Jul 2018 19:48

Thanks for the info, I have sent the inquiry both to the Norwegian insurer and also legal inquiry to the tax office in Estonia: ownership of EU/Estonia registered motorcycle ridden by non EU resident and how long they can keep it in the country without braking EU customs law using "friends" address (Schengen area additionally).


AnTyx 11 Jul 2018 08:11


Originally Posted by Frgich (Post 586673)
legal inquiry to the tax office in Estonia: ownership of EU/Estonia registered motorcycle ridden by non EU resident


With an authorized user (who must be a local resident) in the paperwork, a non-EU resident can become the legal owner of the vehicle. Again, this is the process I just went through, with a couple of guys on non-EU passports. No problem at all. Literally show up at the registration office with them, their bikes that they bought, the bikes' registration slips and hand-written purchase contracts. I had to fill two extra forms for each bike to become the authorized user, but that was all the extra bureaucracy. The guys have crossed the EU external border and then further borders already with no trouble.


and how long they can keep it in the country without braking EU customs law using "friends" address (Schengen area additionally).
If the vehicle is already on Estonian plates, there is no limitation how long they can keep it in the country. There are no applicable laws - the vehicle is already customs-cleared to be in the EU. The owners can't be in the EU more than their visas/visa waivers allow, but the vehicle can sit here and wait for them indefinitely.

We're a free country, you know. :) We don't impose unnecessary rules on people.

dooby 19 Jul 2018 16:34

Got it, thanks for supporting community very nice gesture from your side giving your free time etc.

So you need a buddy to provide a service of authorised user so his/hers address can be used for creating the framework.

Seems leasing companies are fine with sharing the market even though they pay taxes and the other way is the opposite ...

Free as a bird as long as it lasts, see you around :thumbup1:


AnTyx 20 Jul 2018 10:44


Originally Posted by Frgich (Post 587033)
So you need a buddy to provide a service of authorised user so his/hers address can be used for creating the framework.

For buying a local vehicle as a non-resident - yes.

Has nothing to do with mandatory traffic insurance. Any non-EU car coming across an EU/EEA land border can get traffic insurance and a green card at that border absolutely freely, otherwise land borders would not work.

dooby 20 Jul 2018 15:27


Originally Posted by AnTyx (Post 587082)
For buying a local vehicle as a non-resident - yes.

Has nothing to do with mandatory traffic insurance. Any non-EU car coming across an EU/EEA land border can get traffic insurance and a green card at that border absolutely freely, otherwise land borders would not work.

Totally agree, just that I would say that the law states they must have the insurance not that it's an option bier


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