Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Need 3 entry visas with motos to Russia this year and very confused! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/need-3-entry-visas-motos-94003)

LostInTransit 23 Jan 2018 12:27

Need 3 entry visas with motos to Russia this year and very confused!
Hi guys,

Our plan is to set of on the 31st march this year and travel to Magadan by the old summer road BAM etc. we are riding from the uk through Turkey and Georgia and plan to enter Russia on the 1st of May. we then leave Russia and reenter in July leave again and then enter again in late august.

I have contacted GoRussia as they appeared to be able to sort a multiple entry business visa as advised by Walter Colebatch. However after chatting with one of their operators on the website chat they told me you cant take in a vehicle on as business visa and need a auto tourism visa. only problem is thats only 2 entries!

She said she will consult with the visa service and get back to me but have i stuffed up saying im entering by bike? should i just have ordered a multi entry business visa and then just turned up at the border with my bike and played it quiet?

Getting a bit pannicky as only 10 weeks till set off now



wickychicky 23 Jan 2018 15:08

Hi Dave,
We were told in 2014 that auto tourism visas were only needed if you were doing something like an organised rally or something like that.
I'm sure everything will be fine!

LostInTransit 23 Jan 2018 15:28

thanks Helen! I'm beginning to agree with you and I'm starting to think the person at the visa company hasn't got a clue haha!



Tomkat 23 Jan 2018 16:53

You should speak to RealRussia as they seem to be used by most overlanders.

mika 23 Jan 2018 17:41

Russian business visa
I have taken bikes into Russia many times on business visas ... but maybe this is a new regulation ... :scooter:


eurasiaoverland 23 Jan 2018 20:54

Sounds like this person doesn't know what they're talking about. I would switch to RR. No need to mention vehicles.

I'm in Russia for about the 15th time with a vehicle right now, and most of those past visits have been on business visas, including this one.

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