Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Personal insurance - ??? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/personal-insurance-58263)

Endurodude 18 Jul 2011 17:19

Personal insurance - ???
I'm about to go on my first overland trip on a Motorbike, and am trying to get insurance for this Friday (when I set off). I obviously need cover for travelling on a large (more than 125cc) bike - it's 800cc - but I also want cover for my personal items, on and off the bike. I've got insurance for the bike itself.

I'm both staying in hotels and camping around Europe. I rang world wide travel insurance (it got a mention here at some point) and they will cover my personal items if they're with me at all times. Surely people camp with hard panniers, lock them and go off for the day? Even at night, surely people leave everything locked to the bike? You'd need a bloody huge tent to pile everything in it otherwise (that's whay the company are suggesting I do in order to cover me). My thought is that locked to the bike is more secure?

Are there companies that cater for common sense that you've used, or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.

existent80 20 Jul 2011 20:23

I guess I'm not totally understanding the point of this personal insurance. How much do you really think is at risk? I'd say it's wildly unlikely that someone would steal all of your camping equipment, electronics, etc. - especially if, yes, you're locking it all in the panniers. More likely is that something small is going to get stolen, and at that point, is your deductible and time worth the hassle of making a claim?

In the U.S. at least, most homeowner's and renter's insurance policies protect personal property while traveling.

If World Wide Travel says they cover items that are "with" you, then I think it's fair to say that your camp stove left beside your tent at night is "with" you. I promise they won't send out a forensics team to try to prove it wasn't in your tent. But then... why not lock it up at night?

BruceP 20 Jul 2011 22:01


Originally Posted by Endurodude (Post 342943)
I'm about to go on my first overland trip on a Motorbike, and am trying to get insurance for this Friday (when I set off). I obviously need cover for travelling on a large (more than 125cc) bike - it's 800cc - but I also want cover for my personal items, on and off the bike. I've got insurance for the bike itself.

I'm both staying in hotels and camping around Europe. I rang world wide travel insurance (it got a mention here at some point) and they will cover my personal items if they're with me at all times. Surely people camp with hard panniers, lock them and go off for the day? Even at night, surely people leave everything locked to the bike? You'd need a bloody huge tent to pile everything in it otherwise (that's whay the company are suggesting I do in order to cover me). My thought is that locked to the bike is more secure?

Are there companies that cater for common sense that you've used, or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.

Try Amex, they are happy to cover for "overland" travel (or were last September .... it keeps changing.

Single Trip Travel Insurance - American Express UK

As to the gear you take with you? Try not to worry to much, and don't take anything that would piss you off if it got nicked.

Yes, lock stuff in your panniers etc.


Have fun.

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