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Wanted 8 Aug 2014 14:45

Question on Green Card
Hi I just have a question on the Green Card system.

I am shipping my bike '13 KTM 690 Enduro R from Australia to Germany in January

1- Do I need a green card to clear the bike through customs?

2 - Is the green card vehicle specific?

I have a full car license here in Australia, but not a full motorcycle license, not fully open class, I can not legally ride a 690cc motorbike in Australia (I do anyway) for one more year, 650cc maximum. If I can get a green card with my car license then I shouldn't have to worry?

As long as I can get my bike through customs without a motorcycle specific green card then that is half the battle

mark manley 8 Aug 2014 14:59

In Europe we are all covered for all other EU countries with our normal insurance, green card cover is available for non-EU motorists, there are details elsewhere on this site and it will be vehicle specific. You are required to have a full licence for riding outside of your home country, this along with the insurance may or may not be checked when you collect your bike from the port, I have been asked for it before. Either way your vehicle AND medical/travel insurance will be invalid if you are riding without the right licence, apart from that if you are stopped by the police your bike may be seized, I recommend you wait until you are licenced before coming or get a smaller bike.

Lonerider 8 Aug 2014 15:02


Originally Posted by mark manley (Post 475773)
In Europe we are all covered for all other EU countries with our normal insurance, green card cover is available for non-EU motorists, there are details elsewhere on this site and it will be vehicle specific. You are required to have a full licence for riding outside of your home country, this along with the insurance may or may not be checked when you collect your bike from the port, I have been asked for it before. Either way your vehicle AND medical/travel insurance will be invalid if you are riding without the right licence, apart from that if you are stopped by the police your bike may be seized, I recommend you pass your test before coming.

Yep, totally agreed, you need a fully licence to ride in Europe. Not worth the risk

PanEuropean 28 Sep 2014 03:26


Originally Posted by Wanted (Post 475771)
1- Do I need a green card to clear the bike through customs?

In theory, no. In practice, I have shipped my Canadian motorcycle into Europe 3 times by air, and each time, when I went to customs to clear the bike, the customs officer asked to see the insurance.

I think that it is reasonable for the customs guys to want to see that the bike is appropriately insured before letting it into the country. They would likely do the same thing (ask to see the insurance) if you entered the country (or, in this case, the EC) at a land border while riding the bike. If it was obvious that you were not importing the bike for the purpose of riding it (for example, if it was all crated up to be transported by truck to a trade fair for exhibit or something like that), you would probably be able to import it without showing insurance coverage. But if it is evident that you plan to ride the thing, you likely will not be allowed to take it out of the bonded warehouse without showing proof of insurance.

Get the insurance ahead of time, because storage fees at bonded warehouses can easily run to $100 a day.


Originally Posted by Wanted (Post 475771)
2 - Is the green card vehicle specific?

Yes, very much so. It is a 'proof of insurance' document, hence, it shows the VIN and the plate number of the motorcycle. Below is an image of a European green card.

You can obtain the insurance in advance of your arrival in Europe (it can be made effective on any future date you want, this to allow time for the document to be mailed to you in Australia). Here's a link to a post that explains how to get it: Here is where you get the cheap european green card insurance.


Originally Posted by Wanted (Post 475771)
If I can get a green card with my car license then I shouldn't have to worry?

Uh, no, I think you would still have plenty of reason to worry. Despite the fact that you might be able to get green card coverage by submitting a driver licence that doesn't authorize you to drive the vehicle, I am certain that the insurance company would refuse to pay out in the event of an accident simply because you are not properly licenced to operate the vehicle.

That presents you with two possible problems: 1) You have an accident, and then find out that the insurance company will refuse to pay because you were not properly licenced. You are now on the hook for whatever damages or injuries you have caused. 2) A policeman stops you at a routine traffic check, and notes that your licence is not valid for the size of moto you are riding. You now get arrested for driving without a licence, your bike gets impounded, and once you get out of jail, you are a pedestrian.

European 'Green Card'

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