Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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mac19406 31 Jul 2009 09:40

Question On Russian Registration...
We are currently in Mongolia. We are planning the final route across Russia to Vladivostok and we were thinking about just riding from the Mongolian boarder to Vladivostok only stopping for camping. This would put us in the positon of not registring our Visa for over a week, missing the must "register within 3 days or if you stay in one place for 3 days" requirement.

I am just looking for feedback on taking this course of action. What do you feel will be the difficulties/penalty of not getting the registration for the final part of our trip?

Please let us know when you have a moment.

Thank you for your help.

Redboots 31 Jul 2009 18:13


Originally Posted by mac19406 (Post 251699)
We are currently in Mongolia. We are planning the final route across Russia to Vladivostok and we were thinking about just riding from the Mongolian boarder to Vladivostok only stopping for camping. This would put us in the positon of not registring our Visa for over a week, missing the must "register within 3 days or if you stay in one place for 3 days" requirement.

I found that the small hotels I used did not have the required "official" stamp or knew nothing about it.
Just get one of them to put their receipt stamp o n the bit of paper with your bill. It worked AOK.


rtwdoug 19 Aug 2009 11:03

I just spent a couple months in russia. I reg my visa in moscow, cost 45 bucks, & I wasnt asked for it at the mongolian border. I still have the paper. When I returned to RU, I spent 3 weeks, 1 nite in a hotel in chita, never registered, & was never asked anything when I caught the ferry out of vlad to japan. I wouldnt worry about it.
However, if you are leaving russia thru the vladi port, be prepared for endless BS, it took me over 2 days at customs, & I had Yuri helping. You will need him, let me know if you need his info. best 60 bucks I ever spent.
I'll never leave from vladi again if I can help it! Last time I left thru Zarubino port, & had no problems


rtwdoug 19 Aug 2009 11:05

geez, I guess I should have read who posted the orig post. Me & Mike left ru together! I was gonna delete the post, but someone else may find the info helpful.
Mike wont leave thru vladi port again either I am sure!


maximondo 20 Aug 2009 05:07

You must register the visa within three days of entering the country. This will ensure you do no have any hassles when leaving later one.

The easy but expensive way is a hotel - some do not do it so you have to ask. The other option is to go to a Police Station and do it there. This is more complicated and requires more time.

From then onwards, don't worry about it. When the police ask you (as you will be stopped at the DLC check points. you just point to your tent and say 'kam-ping'. its too easy - its the same word in English but slower.

This happened to me and I had no problems. However I did met people who didn't register their visa within 3 days and had to pay a fine on leaving.

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