Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Registering a bike in USA as non resident (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/registering-bike-usa-non-resident-103806)

markharf 5 Jan 2023 01:17


Originally Posted by cyclopathic (Post 633236)
In US motorcycles are not subject to emissions...

Ah, yes, you're right; I'd forgotten about that. Thanks for the correction.


Originally Posted by cyclopathic (Post 633236)
and the information above is from Arizona DMV (department of motor vehicles), the very authority which is in charge of titling and tagging vehicles in Arizona.

And the information says that you need an Arizona license to register a vehicle. It says "A valid Arizona driver license is required to register a vehicle in Arizona." Which you promptly contradict by reporting your own experience below. That was my point: you can't necessarily believe what you hear or read, because things change and experiences on the ground differ.


Originally Posted by cyclopathic (Post 633236)
I had gotten AZ tag in September and I don't have Arizona driver license so I can personally confirm that AZ license isn't necessary.

cyclopathic 5 Jan 2023 15:18


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 633237)
And the information says that you need an Arizona license to register a vehicle. It says "A valid Arizona driver license is required to register a vehicle in Arizona." Which you promptly contradict by reporting your own experience below. That was my point: you can't necessarily believe what you hear or read, because things change and experiences on the ground differ.

I don't know which source of information you're sighting but you definitely DON'T NEED AZ driver license to register bike in Arizona. This is from Arizona hotline clerk and from my own experience.

markharf 5 Jan 2023 18:01

I really don't want to go around and around on this forever. I was citing the link given by the OP. I have no doubt that you're correct...which means the link is incorrect, which was my point.

The link says clearly and unequivocally that you need an Arizona drivers license to register a vehicle in Arizona. You say otherwise. I believe that you're correct. The lesson is: don't believe everything you read, see, or hear--including if you hear it from an internet source or, for example, me. Look for confirming or contrary information. Have a backup plan.


cyclopathic 6 Jan 2023 00:23

..also one of interesting aspects besides the title you really want to get a notary certified Bill of Sale (BOS) in some places it isn't required in some it's mandatory for example in my state it is if vehicle less than 7yo.

RTW 12 Feb 2023 04:30

Wouldn't the best solution be to buy in whatever state is convenient and register in South Dakota, or is there something I am missing?

Natasza 12 Feb 2023 10:35

I believe in South Dacota u need the driving licence from there. North Dakota is possible with no American papers, u can even do it by post but it takes up to 8 weeks....if anyone interested in checking it out : that is a ohone number I have from a lovely lady Heather:
Here's the links I found for North Dakota- if you want to call and talk to an actual person...+1 (855) 633-6835 They are VERY nice!

https://www.dot.nd.gov/manuals/mv/re...ion-manual.pdf -lots of information and links to necessary registration forms.

https://youtu.be/a-baPxrb0t8 - 5 minute video of how to fill out SFN2872 (Application for Certificate of Title & Registration)

mark manley 12 Feb 2023 11:54

To wade into the what do you need to register a vehicle in Arizona debate a friend of mine, a Brit who regularly holidays in the US bought a motorcycle and went to register it using a friend's address in AZ. He was told in the first DMV he went into that he needed a social security number to do so, he then went another office in another city and registered it without a problem, he has since bought an RV and a car and registered them in the same DMV.
From memory one office was in Prescott the other Flagstaff but I cannot remember which was which.

Natasza 12 Feb 2023 12:19

Thank you, it seems as you mentioned each time u call them (DMV) u get differnt answers. Florida, North Dakota seems ok for european to register on own name and I will go for it only having passport, tourist visa and I94 entrance permit. I will write here my experience when I will mahange to do so so there will be fresh information for others.

cyclopathic 18 Feb 2023 09:50


Originally Posted by RTW (Post 634211)
Wouldn't the best solution be to buy in whatever state is convenient and register in South Dakota, or is there something I am missing?

Generally there isn't any problem to buy in one state and register in another but there could be some issues. For example Oklahoma doesn't issue temporary tags so you're forced to ride without plate and you will be stopped and harassed by cops doing so.. especially outside of Oklahoma.

Second on some states besides the title you would need to present a notary certified bill of sale which seller usually doesn't provide or rather you would have to take seller to notary public and have his signature certified if you're buying from private party. Stealerships will give you BOS so there isn't any problem.

Other option some states issue temporary tags for non-resident for 30, 45 and in some cases even 90 day (AZ) so you could just ride on temporary tag for awhile. Dealers unless really small can do paperwork and issue one for you.

Also besides DMV most states now have private tag&title companies they charge you for paperwork but it is usually much faster and painless and they may accommodate you if you have some paperwork missing.. FWIW.

tulf 29 Mar 2023 18:02


Originally Posted by Grant Johnson (Post 633235)
Note that visitor.us will DO IT ALL FOR YOU, including buying the vehicle if you want:

I’m very interested in this.
So is there anybody willing to share their experiences with



Ipsumlorum 13 Mar 2024 22:51

Hi All! For those still interested, Natasza is/was travelling with her polish plated bike. I guess the risk and time pressure was to much and she decided to ship her bike to the states.
In the second half of April I will fly in and try to register a bike in Arizona. DMV confirmed on the phone I will be able to register with my german driving license and passport. I hope there will be no surprises here and I will be able to report back a successful registration.
If someone has a DMV office recommendation in Phoenix or close to I would be grateful, Prescott and Flagstaff are quite far from Phoenix

Ipsumlorum 5 May 2024 17:44

Success! I already did 900 miles and slowly moving north. Registration was done by the dealership as I bought a brand new bike. As far as I know they are using third party DMV (AZMVD) which everyone can use. One thing to note is that Arizona doesn't let you have the metal plates the same day. They will be mailed to you, so if you are out of state you just put your out of state mailing address. It can take up to 6 weeks to get the plates. I've heard from the dealer around fifth week I should be expecting mine to arrive

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