Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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kebabtomten 26 Nov 2009 06:48

Returning back to Uk , a SORN enquiry
Well unfortunatly I have reached a point were I am soon will be heading back to uk. Now I my bike is SORNED ,dont need a MOT and no insurance.

How do I gett the bike "un sorned " basically is it as simpel as getting a new tax disc online or do I need to fill out some forms >???

The reason I ask is that I intend to fly it back to heathrow and hopefully ride out and want to have it road legal before shipping the bike to uk to avoid problems .

Big Yellow Tractor 26 Nov 2009 07:33

You won't be able to get Tax until you have MOT and insurance I'm afraid.

If you had the insurance certificate to hand and booked an Mot near a post office that does road tax you could do it. Could be a faff if it fails the MOT though.

Can't you get a mate to pick it up with a van or trailer ?

kimandmatt 26 Nov 2009 11:08

You say the bike doesn't need an MOT, so I assume it is under 3 years old???

If that is the case as long as you take out some insurance you will be able to tax it online, you will need the refernece number from either the current sorn certificate or the renewal reminder. More details here:

DVLA Vehicle Licensing Online | Home

A word warning though, the DVLA will check their insurance database to make sure there is current valid insurance and this can take up to 24hrs to update, and their system will only allow one check of this database in a 24 hr period. To be on the safe side its worth getting the insurance sorted a few days in advance and get the cover to start the day before the bike gets back to Heathrow to make sure you have time to sort it. I know this as I bought a bike earlier in the year and couldn't get it taxed before I picked it up and ended up having to hot foot it up the m4 in a stealthy night time operation:innocent:


kebabtomten 27 Nov 2009 12:11

thanks Matt

I do not have the sorn ref number but I assume that you can use the ref number on the V5 doc,


mustaphapint 28 Nov 2009 01:18


Originally Posted by kebabtomten (Post 265665)
thanks Matt

I do not have the sorn ref number but I assume that you can use the ref number on the V5 doc,


Yes you can

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