Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Temp import to USA - EPA approval letter (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/temp-import-usa-epa-approval-51514)

fastrhino 17 Dec 2019 04:59

I just logged my initial enquiry / application for temporary import exemption into the USA.

I will keep everyone updated how it goes and time line from application to receiving a letter of exemption.


Milton10 30 Jun 2022 20:56


Originally Posted by garmei (Post 297283)
Hi all,

I picked up this issue in another thread and made some enquiries with the EPA. Essentially, you need a letter of approval from the EPA to allow you to temporarily import a vehicle in to the US. The process involves the filling out of a form (3520-1) at border customs when you enter the US, and to fully complete the form you must produce the EPA approval letter. Apparently this will take about 3 weeks to arrange.

I believe this is a fairly recent change in procedures of temp. importation.

I made some enquiries with the EPA. The reply is below.
Hope this is of use.

"You should apply for the exemption prior to reaching Customs. Attached is the list of information you will need to submit for applying for a Nonresident exemption"

And this was the contents of the attached:

Information needed to obtain Nonresident Temporary Importation
Approval Letter from EPA
Nonconforming motor vehicles may be temporarily imported into the U.S. by a
nonresident for personal use by the importer for a period not to exceed one year.
Only individual nonresidents may import a vehicle through a nonresident exemption.
The conditions of this temporary exemption are:
• Vehicle may not be sold or otherwise transferred to another party in the U.S.;
• Vehicle must be used solely for personal use by the importer and members of the
importer’s immediate family while in the U.S.;
• Exemption is voided if the vehicle is either used for commercial purposes, or used
principally by any person other than the importer (or spouse of the importer); and
• Vehicle must be exported after one year, or upon the nonresident departing the U.S.,
whichever comes first.
To obtain a Nonresident Temporary Importation Approval Letter from EPA;
please provide the following information in a letter that is signed by the
1. Your full name, current foreign address, phone number, Fax number, and email address
(if applicable)
2. Your U.S. address, phone number, Fax number, and email address (if applicable)
3. Vehicle year, make, model and Vehicle Identification Number
4. Proof of vehicle ownership (copy of current title or registration from country of origin of
the vehicle, Importer and owner needs to be the same).
5. Proof of nonresident status (copy of passport, visa, work permit, or other official
6. A statement of the reason for the importation.
7. The duration of the importation.
8. A signed compliance Memorandum (this will be supplied by EPA once we have all of your
information). The exemption will not be issued until we receive a signed copy of the
memorandum issued by EPA.
Please mail, fax, or email this information to:
EPA Imports Line
Compliance & Innovative Strategies Division
Light Duty Vehicle Programs
2000 Traverwood Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
David C. Hurlin
Imports Group
Managed by URS Federal Services
Phone: (734) 214-4100
Fax: (734) 214-4676
Email: Imports@epa.gov

I'll be applying for one of those then!

Great info
Have purchased bikes in Canada ,but we’re on kiwi licences,and travelling north late July before turning all the way south chasing the weather .was aware of letter but not timeframe so will get onto it today
Cheers Nick

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