Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Trouble in 2008 for Americans (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/trouble-in-2008-for-americans-4253)

quastdog 8 Feb 2006 03:15

Trouble in 2008 for Americans
I'm getting ready for a multi-year trip starting in a few months.

Starting in 2008 our wonderful national government is requiring all states to issue new "national standard" drivers licenses. This requires all applicants to appear in person with proper documentation - much more rigid documentation standards then what is required now (it is going to cost the states hundreds of millions to implement this mandate from the feds).

My current (state of Washington) license expires in 2008. I was planning to be out of the country in 2008. I can't get a new one now - good for 5 years from date of issue - just a replacement (for my "lost license") that expires same date in 2008 as the current one.

I also can't get one issued from the state of Michigan where I was going to change my mailing address - without having some proof of residence (rent receipt, utility bill, pay stub in my name)

If I read things correctly, anyone who's U.S. drivers license expires in 2008 or later years depending on expiration date will have to appear in person to renew.

America post 9/11 - more secure - but a lot less free! Phuqbush!

Hindu1936 16 Feb 2006 10:57

Just received here in korea, forwarded by my sister, the wonderful news that beginning 2008 (my license expires oct that year) I too, must appear in person w/photos B.C. proof of residence besides expired license and "one-time fee to initiate new policy" $125.00. Thank you homeland burglary and (ex)patriot act.

PanEuropean 4 Mar 2006 10:55

Just a thought for you: Perhaps consider speaking to the elected state legislative representative for the electoral riding that you live in, and ask him or her if they can help.

My guess is that if you can provide (now) all the proof of identity, etc. that the future regulations require, it is possible that the state driver licence office will either issue you with a renewed driver licence, or at least prolong the validity of your current licence for enough time to allow you to complete your trip.

When new rules like the one you describe are first published, all sorts of problems tend to arise, and most regulatory agencies will find a way to help you out if it appears you are doing the best you can to comply with the intentions of the new rule.


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