Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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Norbert Berentz 7 Dec 2012 12:30

Vehicle registration abroad
Where allover abroad I can get registration papers on my name (for a new motorbike) ?

I will go travelling all continents for the next ten years and want to know the few countries, where I as a foreigner can get registration papers on my name for another vehicle - if I need (and it will be need !!).

Dear friends, please give me an answer for each single country you know, and - if need be - the necessary conditions (like being registerred as resident, etc.).
I myself have a european / german passport.

Thank you (also for any links and tips).

Norbert Berentz, Berlin / Germany bier

travelHK 7 Dec 2012 20:54

In Europe it will fairly easy if you have a adress, in the US almost impossible as you need an adress and a license ( social # to get a license in state of FL) you maybe able to ride arround the country if somenone let you use thier dealer plate for your trip

RogerM 8 Dec 2012 07:55

Australia, only a valid address and proof of ID is required.
Some States allow registration renewal over the internet.

motoreiter 8 Dec 2012 08:48

You might be looking at this the wrong way; I recommend you just keep your original registration from your home country. If you can't renew that while abroad, no one in Central Asia, etc. knows what German registration looks like, so you should be able to figure something out.

craig.iedema 13 Dec 2012 18:31

I pretty much agree with motoreiter, but there are times this needs to be done, recently (as in yesterday) I needed to reregister my Canadian purchased 990 in the USA. I did this as per below, in Arizona.

This is a ridiculously easy process (compared to anything similar in Australia anyway).

-Brought insurance online (used Progressive) and printed the temp insurance ID document.
-Filled in the EPA 3520-1 and DOT HS-7
-Went to the customs office at the Phoenix Airport, filled in another form, the engine capacity meant no duty was payable.
-Went the MVD, you can't use an agency as it must be inspected for the relevant EPA and DOT stickers, VIN and Engine numbers. As they wanted to see the VIN and Engine nos, good idea to know where they are - for me this meant pulling some stuff off the bike (fairing and sidestand).
-Then just went inside to get the rest of the paperwork and plate. Two years was $349. They weren't interested in the customs paperwork at all, so I think probably could have avoided that aswell.

If the bike is over five years old I think you need an EPA test.

craig.iedema 13 Dec 2012 19:34


Originally Posted by RogerM (Post 403331)
Australia, only a valid address and proof of ID is required.

In Queensland proof of address is required. Generally a bill or bank statement with your name on it or a letter from a real estate.

But if you buy a bike from a dealer, the dealer does the registration. No need to even go to the Dept of Transport.

motoreiter 14 Dec 2012 03:06

Craig, are you from Arizona? If not, I'm surprised that you were able to do this; in many (most?) US states you cannot register a vehicle unless you are a resident.

craig.iedema 14 Dec 2012 17:23


Originally Posted by motoreiter (Post 403995)
Craig, are you from Arizona? If not, I'm surprised that you were able to do this; in many (most?) US states you cannot register a vehicle unless you are a resident.

No, but I had an AZ address that I could use, and apparently you can even use a mailing address for an AZ rego that is out of state.

I told customs exactly what I was doing, traveller etc. that I needed to register it the US as the CAN rego was running out.

MVD didn't even ask what I was doing. I just gave them the address.

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