Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   vietnam??? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-paperwork/vietnam-3976)

dasna 6 Dec 2004 11:09

does anyone knows if its possilbe to enter vientam with your own vehicle (more than 175ccm). some borders recommended?



DaveSmith 21 Dec 2004 16:55

If there's any unposted answers, please forward them to me. I'll be in Japan most of 2005 and want to ride through Viet Nam. I might be able to convince them that my bike is a 175 but don't know for sure. I'm trying to get a 175 engine badge to replace the 250 one. I also have no idea how strict they are.



Trying to ride (and work) my way round the world on a 1965 Ducati 250cc. Australia, New Zealand and Japan are first. http://nokilli.com/rtw/

[This message has been edited by chimpo13 (edited 21 December 2004).]

mmaarten 24 Dec 2004 03:29

Hi Guy,s

Actually I don,t think the 175 cc or more is the isue.
It,s the temporary import.
They do not accept a carnet the passage or a libretta. You need a special (Vietnameese) bike-pasport... and you can only get that at a major town... with your bike present.
Now... how to get to this town with the bike, while you can not enter the country with the bike was something the border-guard could not explain... or I could not understand?.

Anyway... I am afraid it,s an MI (1 or 2)
But... for everything is a first...


- www.maartensworld.com -
- Some photo's -

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