Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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damandaz 6 Dec 2002 13:18

Visa info for South Africans
Hi all

Planning a trip home to SA from the UK in Sep next year. Need some help on obtaining visas. I've tried an agency (1st contact) but they don't seem to keen to help me out!

Does anyone know of any countries than one would have a problem getting a visa for on a SA passport?

Are there any agencies that deal with visas for African countries?

Any help here would be much appreciated.

Many thank


Susan Johnson 15 Dec 2002 06:33

Hi Daryl

I don't know if you have had any responses directly from South Africans to this question, but here's what I know.

You should have no more difficulty on a South African passport throughout Africa than any other passport, and probably less.

The cheapest way to obtain visas, if you are not in a rush for them, is to go directly to the UK embassy / consulate of each country, get the paperwork and submit it.

There are other visa agencies besides the one you mentioned, but they may not be any cheaper!

The Visa Service, 2 Northdown St. Kings Cross London N1. Tele. No. 0171/8332709

Visa Express 31 Corsham St. London N1. Tele. No. 0171/251 4822.

And a few others at this

Good luck and let us know how you go!

Susan Johnson

"It matters not what goal you seek
Its secret here reposes:
You've got to dig from week to week
To get Results or Roses."
Edgar Guest

'One world, two wheels'

[This message has been edited by Susan (edited 15 December 2002).]

damandaz 15 Dec 2002 07:56

Hi Susan

Firstly congratulations on a great site, I've got heaps of great info from it and even made a few fellow overlanding friends.

About the info on visas, Yes I have had some responses, all direct e-mails and have had some useful and positive advice, the best being to buy a book called "Africa on a Shoestring" it's got all the tips and tricks to obtain visas and even the contact numbers for each embassy. I'm sure you've heard of this book.

Thanks for your input, and comfort of yet another person that feels I’ll have no problem on my SA passport.

Thanks again for this Gem of a site.


Susan Johnson 15 Dec 2002 09:47

Hi Daryl

Pleased to hear you like the site, and I'm glad you've gotten some replies directly, and also found some potential fellow travellers.

We have an extensive Books section on the site, with links to Amazon.co.uk as well as the US, German and Canadian sites. The book you're looking for, Africa on a Shoestring, is listed, here's a direct link to Amazon.co.uk. We get a small commission from them on every book bought where the buyer clicks through from our site. It all helps to keep the site going.


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