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-   -   Bike shipping UK to Brazil ??? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/trip-transport/bike-shipping-uk-to-brazil-35543)

fontanna 29 May 2008 11:32

Bike shipping UK to Brazil ???
Anyone knows how to do it? I am Brazilian an I have a bike here in the UK, I'd really like to send my bike to Brazil, as some of you might know a imported new bike costs there there the double because of taxes, ****ing government.


Stagbeetle 29 May 2008 20:33

By Sea?
Check with Wallenius Wilhelmstein, office is in Southampton. They were really helpful to me when I sent my bike from Southampton to Canada last year, and I notice they have offices in Brazil. Mine was sent on a transatlantic car ferry, RORO, but not sure if it is same for Brazil.

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics - worldwide ocean transport, inland services, supply chain solutions

fontanna 30 May 2008 10:42

Cool, Thanks!!!

Rohden 30 May 2008 17:06


Originally Posted by fontanna (Post 191891)
Anyone knows how to do it? I am Brazilian an I have a bike here in the UK, I'd really like to send my bike to Brazil, as some of you might know a imported new bike costs there there the double because of taxes, ****ing government.



Legalmente, até onde eu sei, não tem como trazer qualquer tipo de motocicleta nova ou usada, sem pagar nossas altíssimas taxas de importação.

I´m sure, there is no way!!!


Reginaldo Rohden.

marker 8 Jul 2008 09:12

Oi Fontanna!

You cannot officially import any used vehicle into Brazil, just not allowed unfortunately.
Only new vehicles can be imported, but count on about 100% import duties.
If you do want to get yor bike to Brazil, the way to go is overland. NEVER try to get it there through a brazilian port.
Ship it instead to eg Buenos Aires and drive to Foz do Iguazu. No questions asked, no one will even stop you at the border, you have to get off the bike and go after customs if you feel like it..
Just beware that there is a customs checkpoint between Foz and Cascavel.
But there is a detour you can take to avoid it.
Or on sundays it is closed....
If you have a british paspoort though (or any other non brazilian) you can ofcourse always drive around as a tourist.

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